The cybersecurity investigator is often confronted by huge amounts of data. To make sense of it, searching techniques must be employed to filter and/or find data. Regexes specifically when using the (g)lobal search with the (r)egular (e)xpression and (p)rinting all matching lines function (grep), is a powerful tool for matching and manipulating files by name and by content (in combination with, for example, cat).
We have learned that regexes are capable of character matches, such as a standard word processor style search, but also of using wildcards (including \w, \d, and \s) with a range of precision, sets of characters ([ ]) for user-specified options, quantifiers ({m,n}) to create powerful, but shortened, strings for easier entry and readability, and logical operators (| or ^).
Regexes are further able to extract, using numbered groups, denoted by parentheses. Parentheses...