- abstractive summarization
- about / Abstractive summarization
- AdaBoost algorithm
- about / AdaBoost
- reference link / AdaBoost
- parameters / AdaBoost
- algorithms, baseline model
- multinomial naive Bayes / Multinomial naive Bayes
- C-support vector classification, with kernel rbf / C-support vector classification with kernel rbf
- C-support vector classification, with kernel linear / C-support vector classification with kernel linear
- linear support vector classification / Linear support vector classification
- alignment / Alignment
- Amazon review dataset
- about / Understanding Amazon's review dataset
- data attributes / Understanding Amazon's review dataset
- apps.tsv
- about / apps.tsv
- UserId / apps.tsv
- WindowsID / apps.tsv
- Split / apps.tsv
- Application date / apps.tsv
- JobID / apps.tsv
- Area Under the Curve (AUC) / AUC
- artificial intelligence (AI)
- reference link / Keeping up to date
- Atari gaming bot
- about / Basic Atari gaming bot
- attributes, BX-Book-Ratings.csv
- User-ID / BX-Book-Ratings.csv
- ISBN / BX-Book-Ratings.csv
- Book rating / BX-Book-Ratings.csv
- attributes, BX-Books.csv
- ISBN / BX-Books.csv
- Book-Title / BX-Books.csv
- Book-Author / BX-Books.csv
- Year-Of-Publication / BX-Books.csv
- Publisher / BX-Books.csv
- image URL-S / BX-Books.csv
- image URL-M / BX-Books.csv
- image URL-L / BX-Books.csv
- attributes, BX-Users.csv
- User-ID / BX-Users.csv
- Location / BX-Users.csv
- Age / BX-Users.csv
- attributes, outliers
- revolving utilization of unsecured lines / Revolving utilization of unsecured lines
- age / Age, Number of time 30-59 days past due not worse
- debt ratio / Debt ratio
- monthly income / Monthly income, Number attributes, outliersmonthly incomeof open credit lines and loans
- data value frequency, analysis / Number of times 90 days late, Number of times 60-89 days past due not worse
- frequency of value / Number of real estate loans or lines
- data points, frequency value / Number of dependents
- bAbI dataset, chatbot development
- about / The bAbI dataset
- download link / The bAbI dataset
- (20) QA bAbI tasks / The (20) QA bAbI tasks
- baseline approach
- issues / Problems with the existing approach, Problems with the baseline approach, Problem with the existing approach
- optimizing / Optimizing the existing approach , Optimizing the baseline approach , Optimizing the baseline approach
, How to optimize the existing approach
- key concepts, for optimization / Understanding key concepts to optimize the approach
- building / Building the baseline approach, Building the baseline approach
- implementing / Implementing the baseline approach, Implementing the baseline approach, Implementing the best approach
- data preparation / Data preparation
- exploratory data analysis (EDA) / Exploratory data analysis (EDA)
- customer categories, generating / Generating customer categories
- customers classification / Classifying customers
- customers, classification / Classifying customers
- testing matrix / Understanding the testing matrix
- result, testing / Testing the result of the baseline approach, Testing the result of the baseline approach
- accuracy score, generating for classifier / Generating the accuracy score for classifier
- confusion matrix, generating for classifier / Generating the confusion matrix for the classifier
- learning curve, generating for classifier / Generating the learning curve for the classifier
- basic concepts / Understanding the basic concepts
- recommendation system, architecture / Architecture of the recommendation system
- steps, implementing / Steps for implementing the baseline approach
- dataset, loading / Loading the dataset, Loading the dataset
- features generating, TF-IDF used / Generating features using TF-IDF
- cosine similarity matrix, building / Building the cosine similarity matrix
- prediction, generating / Generating the prediction
- key concepts, optimizing / Understanding key concepts for optimizing the approach
- about / The best approach
- glove model, loading / Loading the glove model
- preprocessing / Preprocessing
- precomputed ID matrix, loading / Loading precomputed ID matrix
- train and test datasets, splitting / Splitting the train and test datasets
- neural network, building / Building a neural network
- neural network, training / Training the neural network
- trained model, loading / Loading the trained model
- trained model, testing / Testing the trained model
- baseline approach, job recommendation engine
- building / Building the baseline approach
- implementing / Implementing the baseline approach
- constants, defining / Defining constants
- dataset, loading / Loading the dataset
- helper function, defining / Defining the helper function
- TF-IDF vectors, generating / Generating TF-IDF vectors and cosine similarity
- testing matrix / Understanding the testing matrix
- shortcomings / Problems with the baseline approach
- optimizing / Optimizing the baseline approach
- baseline approach, summarization application
- building / Building the baseline approach
- implementing / Implementing the baseline approach
- python dependencies, installing / Installing python dependencies
- code, for generating summary / Writing the code and generating the summary
- shortcomings / Problems with the baseline approach
- optimizing / Optimizing the baseline approach
- baseline model
- feature engineering / Feature engineering for the baseline model, Finding out Feature importance, Feature engineering for the baseline model
- training / Training the baseline model, Training the baseline model, Training the baseline model
- testing / Testing the baseline model, Testing the baseline model, Testing the baseline model
- training, splitting / Splitting the training and testing dataset
- dataset, testing / Splitting the training and testing dataset
- prediction labels, splitting for training / Splitting prediction labels for the training and testing datasets
- prediction labels, splitting for testing dataset / Splitting prediction labels for the training and testing datasets
- sentiment scores, converting into numpy array / Converting sentiment scores into the numpy array
- ML model, training / Training of the ML model
- output, generating / Generating and interpreting the output
- output, interpreting / Generating and interpreting the output
- accuracy score, generating / Generating the accuracy score
- output, visualizing / Visualizing the output
- training and testing datasets, building / Building the training and testing datasets for the baseline model
- implementing / Implementing the baseline model
- multinomial naive Bayes, testing / Testing of Multinomial naive Bayes
- SVM, testing with rbf kernel / Testing of SVM with rbf kernel
- SVM, testing with linear kernel / Testing SVM with the linear kernel
- SVM, testing with linearSVC / Testing SVM with linearSVC
- baseline model, Real-Time Object Recognition app
- features engineering / Features engineering for the baseline model
- building / Building the baseline model
- testing / Testing the baseline model
- shortcomings / Problem with existing approach
- optimizing / How to optimize the existing approach
- optimization process / Understanding the process for optimization
- basic concepts, baseline approach
- content-based approach / Understanding the content-based approach
- basic version, chatbot development
- about / Building the basic version of a chatbot
- rule-based system / Why does the rule-based system work?, Understanding the rule-based system
- implementing / Understanding the approach
- questions, listing / Listing down possible questions and answers
- answers, listing / Listing down possible questions and answers
- standard messages, deciding / Deciding standard messages
- architecture / Understanding the architecture
- shortocmings / Problems with the existing approach
- optimizing / Understanding key concepts for optimizing the approach
- seq2seq model / Understanding the seq2seq model
- basic version of gaming bot
- implementing / Implementing the basic version of the gaming bot
- best approach
- about / The best approach
- implementing / Implementing the best approach
- best approach, chatbot development
- implementing / Implementing the best approach
- random testing mode / Random testing mode
- user interactive testing mode / User interactive testing mode
- best approach, job recommendation engine
- about / The best approach
- implementing / Implementing the best approach
- dataset, filtering / Filtering the dataset
- training dataset, preparing / Preparing the training dataset
- concatenation operation, applying / Applying the concatenation operation
- TF-IDF and cosine similarity score, generating / Generating the TF-IDF and cosine similarity score
- recommendations, generating / Generating recommendations
- best approach, Real-Time Object Recognition app
- implementing / The best approach
- YOLO / Understanding YOLO
- implementing, YOLO used / Implementing the best approach using YOLO
- implementing, Darknet used / Implementation using Darknet
- implementing, Darkflow used / Implementation using Darkflow
- best approach, summarization application
- building / The idea behind the best approach, The best approach
- implementing / Implementing the best approach
- project structure / Understanding the structure of the project
- helper functions / Understanding helper functions
- summary, generating / Generating the summary
- Book-Crossing dataset
- about / The Book-Crossing dataset
- reference link / The Book-Crossing dataset
- BX-Book-Ratings.csv / BX-Book-Ratings.csv
- BX-Books.csv / BX-Books.csv
- BX-Book-Ratings.csv / BX-Book-Ratings.csv
- BX-Books.csv / BX-Books.csv
- BX-Users.csv / BX-Users.csv
- CAS-PEAL Face Dataset
- about / CAS-PEAL Face Dataset
- URL, for downloading / CAS-PEAL Face Dataset
- chatbot development
- problem statement / Introducing the problem statement
- retrieval-based approach / Retrieval-based approach
- generative-based approach / Generative-based approach
- open domain / Open domain
- closed domain / Closed domain
- short conversation / Short conversation
- long conversation / Long conversation
- open domain, with generative-based approach / Open domain and generative-based approach
- open domain, with retrieval-based approach / Open domain and retrieval-based approach
- closed domain, with retrieval-based approach / Closed domain and retrieval-based approach
- closed domain, with generative-based approach / Closed domain and generative-based approach
- datasets / Understanding datasets
- basic version, building / Building the basic version of a chatbot
- revised approach, implementing / Implementing the revised approach
- key concepts, for solving existing problems / Understanding key concepts to solve existing problems
- memory networks / Memory networks
- best approach / The best approach
- hybrid approach / Discussing the hybrid approach
- classifier model
- generating / The best approach
- implementing / Implementing the best approach
- closed domain chatbot
- developing / Closed domain
- CNN-based approach
- implementing / Implementing the CNN-based approach
- COCO dataset
- about / The COCO dataset
- URL / The COCO dataset
- coding environment
- setting up / Setting up the coding environment, Setting up the coding environment
- dlib, installing / Installing dlib
- face recognition, installing / Installing face_recognition
- collaborative filtering
- about / Collaborative filtering
- memory-based CF / Memory-based CF
- model-based CF / Model-based CF
- concepts and approaches, Logistic Regression-based approach
- about / Understanding concepts and approaches, Logistic Regression-based approach
- alignment-based approach / Alignment-based approach
- smoothing-based approach / Smoothing-based approach
- confusion matrix / Confusion matrix
- consumers
- types / Introducing customer segmentation
- context vector / Understanding the seq2seq model
- Convolutional Neural Network
- building / Building the Convolutional Neural Network
- Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
- about / Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for FR
- Simple CNN architecture / Simple CNN architecture
- working, for face recognition / Understanding how CNN works for FR
- Convolution Neural Network (CNN) / Why should we use a pre-trained model?
- Convolution Neural Networks (CNN ) / How to optimize the existing approach
- Cornell Movie-Dialogs dataset, chatbot development
- about / Cornell Movie-Dialogs dataset
- download link / Cornell Movie-Dialogs dataset
- content of movie_conversations.txt / Content details of movie_conversations.txt
- content of movie_lines.txt / Content details of movie_lines.txt
- correlation / Correlation
- cross-validation
- about / Cross-validation
- techniques / Cross-validation
- using / The approach of using CV
- advantages / The approach of using CV
- disadvantages / The approach of using CV
- cross-validation based approach
- implementing / Implementing a cross-validation based approach
- customer categories
- generating / Generating customer categories, Generating customer categories
- data formatting / Formatting data
- creating / Creating customer categories
- data encoding / Data encoding
- PCA analysis / PCA analysis
- cluster analyzing, silhouette scores used / Analyzing the cluster using silhouette scores
- customers classification
- about / Classifying customers
- helper functions, defining / Defining helper functions
- data, splitting into training / Splitting the data into training and testing
- data, splitting into testing / Splitting the data into training and testing
- Machine Learning (ML) algorithm, implementing / Implementing the Machine Learning (ML) algorithm
- customer segmentation / Introducing customer segmentation
- problem statement / Introducing the problem statement
- references / Building the baseline approach
- for domains / Customer segmentation for various domains
- Cython
- installing / Installing Cython
- Darkflow
- used, for YOLO implementation / Implementation using Darkflow
- Darknet
- used, for YOLO implementation / Implementation using Darknet
- data
- filtering, on geolocation / Filtering data based on geolocation
- loading, dataset_loader script used / Loading the data using the dataset_loader script
- data analysis
- about / Data analysis
- data preprocessing / Data preprocessing, Basic data analysis followed by data preprocessing
- statistical properties, listing / Listing statistical properties
- missing values, finding / Finding missing values
- missing values, replacing / Replacing missing values
- correlation / Correlation
- outliers detection / Detecting outliers
- outliers, handling / Handling outliers
- data attribute, NYTimes news article dataset
- type_of_material / Understanding the NYTimes news article dataset
- headlines / Understanding the NYTimes news article dataset
- pub_date / Understanding the NYTimes news article dataset
- section_name / Understanding the NYTimes news article dataset
- data attributes, exploratory data analysis (EDA)
- country / Country
- customer and products / Customer and products
- customer and products / Customer and products
- product categories / Product categories
- data formatting
- about / Formatting data
- products, grouping / Grouping products
- dataset, splitting / Splitting the dataset
- orders, grouping / Grouping orders
- data frames
- merging / Merging the data frames
- data preparation
- about / Data preparation
- data preprocessing
- about / Data preprocessing
- changes / First change, Second change
- changes, implementing / Implementing the changes
- Data science
- reference link / Keeping up to date
- dataset
- about / Understanding the dataset , Understanding the dataset, Understanding the datasets, Understanding the dataset
- reference link / Understanding the dataset
- attributes / Understanding attributes of the dataset, Attributes of the dataset
- collecting / Collecting the dataset
- DJIA index prices, collecting / Collecting DJIA index prices
- news articles, collecting / Collecting news articles
- loading / Loading the dataset, Loading the dataset, Loading the dataset
- description / Description of the dataset
- downloading / Downloading the dataset
- content / Understanding the content of the dataset
- train folder / Train folder
- test folder / Test folder
- imdb.vocab file / imdb.vocab file
- imdbEr.txt file / imdbEr.txt file
- review files, content / Understanding the contents of the movie review files
- for face emotion recognition application / Understanding the dataset for face emotion recognition
- dataset, face recognition
- CAS-PEAL Face Dataset / CAS-PEAL Face Dataset
- dataset, Real-Time Object Recognition app
- about / Understanding the dataset
- COCO dataset / The COCO dataset
- PASCAL VOC dataset / The PASCAL VOC dataset
- datasets
- about / Understanding the datasets
- e-commerce Item Data / e-commerce Item Data
- Book-Crossing dataset / The Book-Crossing dataset
- datasets, chatbot development
- about / Understanding datasets
- Cornell Movie-Dialogs dataset / Cornell Movie-Dialogs dataset
- bAbI dataset / The bAbI dataset
- datasets, job recommendation engine
- about / Understanding the datasets
- scraped dataset / Scraped dataset
- job recommendation challenge dataset / Job recommendation challenge dataset
- datasets, summarization application
- about / Understanding datasets
- challenges in obtaining / Challenges in obtaining the dataset
- medical transcription dataset / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- Amazon review dataset / Understanding Amazon's review dataset
- dataset training
- reference link / Understanding the contents of the movie review files
- decoder / Understanding the seq2seq model
- Deep learning (DL) algorithms / Problem with the existing approach
- Deep Learning (DL) techniques / Understanding key concepts for optimizing the approach
- deep Q-network (DQN) / Understanding a deep Q-network (DQN)
- architecture / Architecture of DQN
- algorithm / Steps for the DQN algorithm
- Discounted Future Reward / Discounted Future Reward
- DJIA dataset / Understanding the DJIA dataset
- preparing / Preparing the DJIA training dataset
- data analysis for / Basic data analysis for a DJIA dataset
- dlib
- installing / Installing dlib
- Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) / Collecting the dataset
- Dropout
- about / How can we use a pre-trained model?
- dynamic memory network (DMN)
- about / Dynamic memory network (DMN)
- architecture / Dynamic memory network (DMN)
- semantic memory / Dynamic memory network (DMN)
- episodic memory / Dynamic memory network (DMN), Episodic memory
- modules / Dynamic memory network (DMN)
- input module / Input module
- question module / Question module
- e-commerce item Data
- reference link / e-commerce Item Data
- e-commerce Item Data
- about / e-commerce Item Data
- encoder / Understanding the seq2seq model
- existing approach
- issues, exploring / Exploring problems with the existing approach
- issues / Problems with the existing approach
- optimizing / How to optimize the existing approach
- process, optimizing / Understanding the process for optimization
- exploratory data analysis (EDA) / Basic data analysis followed by data preprocessing
- about / Exploratory data analysis (EDA)
- null data entries, removing / Removing null data entries
- duplicate data entries, removing / Removing duplicate data entries
- data attributes / EDA for various data attributes
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) / Implementing the revised approach
- about / Exploratory Data Analysis
- Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) / Smoothing-based approach
- extractive summarization
- about / Extractive summarization
- F1-score / F1-Score
- face emotion recognition application / Face emotion recognition application
- dataset / Understanding the dataset for face emotion recognition
- concepts / Understanding the concepts of face emotion recognition
- convolutional layer / Understanding the convolutional layer
- ReLU layer / Understanding the ReLU layer
- pooling layer / Understanding the pooling layer
- fully connected layer / Understanding the fully connected layer
- SoftMax layer / Understanding the SoftMax layer
- weight based on backpropagation, updating / Updating the weight based on backpropagation
- face emotion recognition model
- building / Building the face emotion recognition model
- data, preparing / Preparing the data
- data, loading / Loading the data
- model, training / Training the model
- face recognition
- concepts / Understanding the concepts of face recognition
- dataset / Understanding the face recognition dataset
- Labeled Faces in Wild / Labeled Faces in the Wild
- algorithms / Algorithms for face recognition
- Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) / Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)
- Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) / Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for FR
- implementing, approaches / Approaches for implementing face recognition
- HOG-based approach, implementing / Implementing the HOG-based approach
- CNN-based approach, implementing / Implementing the CNN-based approach
- real-time face recognition, implementing / Implementing real-time face recognition
- face recognition application / Face recognition application
- training / Training for the FER application
- face_recognition
- installing / Installing face_recognition
- False Negative (FN) / Understanding the testing matrix
- False Positive (FP) / Understanding the testing matrix
- feature engineering
- about / Feature engineering, Feature engineering
- dataset, loading / Loading the dataset
- minor preprocessing / Minor preprocessing
- adj close price, converting into integer format / Converting adj close price into the integer format
- NYTimes news articles, sentiment analysis / Sentiment analysis of NYTimes news articles
- features engineering, for baseline model
- about / Features engineering for the baseline model
- FER2013 dataset
- reference link / Understanding the dataset for face emotion recognition
- Flappy Bird gaming bot
- implementing / Just for fun - implementing the Flappy Bird gaming bot
- gather_dataset() function
- about / Generating question-answer pairs
- generative-based approach, chatbots
- about / Generative-based approach
- get_conversations() function
- about / Generating question-answer pairs
- get_id2line() function
- about / Generating question-answer pairs
- get_summarized function
- about / The get_summarized function
- GradientBoosting
- about / GradientBoosting
- parameters / GradientBoosting
- grid search parameter tuning / Grid search parameter tuning
- hackathons
- strategy / Strategy for winning hackathons, Keeping up to date
- helper functions, summarization application
- /
- /
- Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) / Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)
- HOG-based approach
- implementing / Implementing the HOG-based approach
- hybrid approach, chatbot development
- about / Discussing the hybrid approach
- hyperparameter
- tuning / Hyperparameter tuning
- grid search parameter tuning / Grid search parameter tuning
- random search parameter tuning / Random search parameter tuning
- hyperparameters
- train_epochs / Implementing the best approach
- batch_size / Implementing the best approach
- lstm_size / Implementing the best approach
- hyperparameter tuning
- implementing / Implementing hyperparameter tuning
- IMDb dataset
- URL, for downloading / Understanding the dataset
- Intersection over Union (IoU)
- about / Intersection over Union (IoU)
- issues, baseline approach
- about / Problems with the baseline approach
- limited content analysis / Problems with the baseline approach
- over-specialization / Problems with the baseline approach
- new-user / Problems with the baseline approach
- job recommendation challenge dataset
- about / Job recommendation challenge dataset
- apps.tsv / apps.tsv
- users.tsv / users.tsv
- jobs.tsv /
- user_history.tsv / user_history.tsv
- job recommendation engine
- problem statement / Introducing the problem statement
- datasets / Understanding the datasets
- baseline approach, building / Building the baseline approach
- revised approach, building / Building the revised approach
- best approach, building / The best approach
- jobs.tsv
- about /
- JobID /
- WindowID /
- Title /
- Description /
- Requirements /
- City /
- State /
- Country /
- Zip5 /
- StartDate /
- EndDate /
- JSON attributes
- current_form_action / Understanding the architecture
- message_bot / Understanding the architecture
- message_human / Understanding the architecture
- next_field_type / Understanding the architecture
- next_form_action / Understanding the architecture
- placeholder_text / Understanding the architecture
- previous_field_type / Understanding the architecture
- previous_form_action / Understanding the architecture
- suggestion_message / Understanding the architecture
- K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
- about / K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
- parameters / K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
- K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm
- about / Item-item collaborative filtering
- reference link / Item-item collaborative filtering
- applying / Applying the KNN algorithm
- using / Recommendation using the KNN algorithm
- key concepts, Atari gaming bot
- about / Understanding the key concepts
- game rules / Rules for the game
- Q-Learning algorithm / Understanding the Q-Learning algorithm
- key concepts, baseline approach
- cross-validation / Cross-validation
- hyperparameter tuning / Hyperparameter tuning
- key concepts, Pong gaming bot
- about / Understanding the key concepts
- architecture / Architecture of the gaming bot
- approach / Approach for the gaming bot
- key concepts, recommendation engine
- collaborative filtering / Collaborative filtering
- dataset, loading / Loading the dataset
- data frames, merging / Merging the data frames
- EDA, for merged data frames / EDA for the merged data frames
- data, filtering on geolocation / Filtering data based on geolocation
- K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm, applying / Applying the KNN algorithm
- K-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm, using / Recommendation using the KNN algorithm
- matrix factorization, applying / Applying matrix factorization
- matrix factorization, using / Recommendation using matrix factorization
- key concepts, Space Invaders gaming bot
- about / Understanding the key concepts
- deep Q-network (DQN) / Understanding a deep Q-network (DQN)
- Experience Replay / Understanding Experience Replay
- learning curve / Learning curve
- logic of correlation
- implementing, for recommendation engine / Implementing the logic of correlation for the recommendation engine
- rating of the books, recommendations / Recommendations based on the rating of the books
- correlations, recommendations / Recommendations based on correlations
- Logistic regression
- about / Logistic regression
- parameters / Logistic regression
- log transformation of features / Log transformation of features
- Long-Short Term Memory Unit (LSTMs)
- reference link / Building a neural network
- Long-Short Term Memory Unit (LSTMs);about / Building a neural network
- long conversation, chatbot development
- about / Long conversation
- Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks / Understanding the seq2seq model
- loss
- about / Loss
- LSA algorithm
- about / The LSA algorithm
- lsa_text_summarizer function
- about / Generating the summary
- using / Generating the summary
- machine learning algorithm
- selecting / Selecting the Machine Learning algorithm, Selecting the machine learning algorithm
- machine learning algorithm, Real-Time Object Recognition app
- selecting / Selecting the machine learning algorithm
- machine learning algorithms
- selecting / Selecting machine learning algorithms
- K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) / K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
- Logistic regression / Logistic regression
- AdaBoost algorithm / AdaBoost
- GradientBoosting / GradientBoosting
- RandomForest / RandomForest
- Markov Decision Process (MDP)
- about / Markov Decision Process (MDP)
- parameters / Markov Decision Process (MDP)
- matrix factorization
- applying / Applying matrix factorization
- using / Recommendation using matrix factorization
- mean Average Precision (mAP)
- about / mean Average Precision
- medical transcription dataset
- about / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- chief complaint / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- history of patient's illness / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- past medical history / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- past surgical history / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- family history / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- medications / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- physical examination / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- assessment / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- recommendations / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- keywords / Understanding the medical transcription dataset
- Memory-based CF
- user-user collaborative filtering / User-user collaborative filtering
- memory-based CF
- about / Memory-based CF
- item-item collaborative filtering / Item-item collaborative filtering
- memory networks
- about / Memory networks
- dynamic memory network (DMN) / Dynamic memory network (DMN)
- merged data frames
- EDA / EDA for the merged data frames
- methods, Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF )
- fit_transform() / Feature engineering for the baseline model
- minor preprocessing / Minor preprocessing
- leftmost dot, removing from news headlines / Removing the leftmost dot from news headlines
- missing values
- finding / Finding missing values
- replacing / Replacing missing values
- ML algorithm / Trying a different ML algorithm
- ML model
- testing / Testing the best approach
- hold-out corpus, transforming in dataset training / Transforming the hold-out corpus in the form of the training dataset
- transformed dataset, converting into matrix form / Converting the transformed dataset into a matrix form
- precision score, generating / Generating the predictions
- ML models on real test data
- executing / Running ML models on real test data
- MobileNet SSD
- architecture / Architecture of the MobileNet SSD model
- model
- testing / Testing the model
- model-based CF
- about / Model-based CF
- matrix-factorization-based algorithms / Matrix-factorization-based algorithms
- versus, memory-based CF / Difference between memory-based CF and model-based CF
- best approach, implementing / Implementing the best approach
- Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) / Why should we use a pre-trained model?
- multilayer perceptron (MLP) / The best approach
- Naive Bayes
- reference link / Selecting the machine learning algorithm
- neural network-based algorithm
- implementing / The best approach
- file
- parse_document function /
- remove_special_characters function /
- remove_stopwords function /
- unescape_html function /
- pos_tag_text function /
- lemmatize_text function /
- expand_contractions function /
- normalize_corpus function /
- Numberbatch's pretrained model / Preparing the dataset
- NYTimes news article dataset / Understanding the NYTimes news article dataset
- NYTimes news articles
- sentiment analysis / Sentiment analysis of NYTimes news articles
- NYTimes news dataset
- preparing / Preparing the NYTimes news dataset
- publication date, converting into YYYY-MM-DD format / Converting publication date into the YYYY-MM-DD format
- news articles, filtering by category / Filtering news articles by category
- filter functionality, implementing / Implementing the filter functionality and merging the dataset
- dataset, merging / Implementing the filter functionality and merging the dataset
- merged dataset, saving in pickle file format / Saving the merged dataset in the pickle file format
- OpenCV
- setting up / Setting up and installing OpenCV
- installing / Setting up and installing OpenCV
- open domain chatbot
- developing / Open domain
- optimization process, Real-Time Object Recognition app baseline model
- about / Understanding the process for optimization
- outliers
- handling / Handling outliers
- outliers detection
- about / Detecting outliers
- parameter, versus hyperparameter
- reference link / Hyperparameter tuning
- parameters, pre-trained model
- learning rate / How can we use a pre-trained model?
- number of epochs / How can we use a pre-trained model?
- batch size / How can we use a pre-trained model?
- activation function / How can we use a pre-trained model?
- parameters, Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF )
- min_df / Feature engineering for the baseline model
- max_df / Feature engineering for the baseline model
- sublinear_tf / Feature engineering for the baseline model
- use_idf / Feature engineering for the baseline model
- transform() / Feature engineering for the baseline model
- Part-of-Speech (POS) tags / The idea behind the best approach
- PASCAL VOC dataset
- about / The PASCAL VOC dataset
- PASCAL VOC classes / PASCAL VOC classes
- PDFminer
- about / Scraped dataset
- Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) / Recommendations based on correlations
- perplexity
- about / Perplexity
- Pong gaming bot
- building / Building the Pong gaming bot
- implementing / Implementing the Pong gaming bot
- parameters, initialization / Initialization of the parameters
- weights, storing in form of matrices / Weights stored in the form of matrices
- weights, updating / Updating weights
- agent, moving / How to move the agent
- NN, used / Understanding the process using NN
- precision / Precision
- pretrained glove model
- reference link / Loading the glove model
- problem statement / Introducing the problem statement
- product categories
- product description, analyzing / Analyzing the product description
- defining / Defining product categories
- content of clusters, characterizing / Characterizing the content of clusters
- silhouette intra-cluster score / Silhouette intra-cluster score analysis
- word cloud, analysis / Analysis using a word cloud
- Principal component analysis (PCA) / Principal component analysis (PCA)
- project structure, summarization application
- about / Understanding the structure of the project
- / Understanding the structure of the project
- / Understanding the structure of the project
- / Understanding the structure of the project
- / Understanding the structure of the project
- PyTeaser
- about / Installing python dependencies
- RandomForest
- about / RandomForest
- parameters / RandomForest
- random search parameter tuning / Random search parameter tuning
- real-time face recognition
- implementing / Implementing real-time face recognition
- Real-Time Object Recognition app
- problem statement / Introducing the problem statement
- dataset / Understanding the dataset
- Transfer Learning / Transfer Learning
- coding environment, setting up / Setting up the coding environment
- OpenCV, setting up / Setting up and installing OpenCV
- OpenCV, installing / Setting up and installing OpenCV
- features engineering, for baseline model / Features engineering for the baseline model
- machine learning algorithm, selecting / Selecting the machine learning algorithm
- MobileNet SSD architecture / Architecture of the MobileNet SSD model
- baseline model, building / Building the baseline model
- testing metrics / Understanding the testing metrics
- baseline model, testing / Testing the baseline model
- revised approach, implementing / Implementing the revised approach
- best approach / The best approach
- recall / Recall
- Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) / ROC
- recommendation engine
- about / The best approach
- key concepts / Understanding the key concepts
- recurrent neural net (RNN) / Building a neural network
- Recurrent Neural Nets (RNN) / Understanding key concepts for optimizing the approach
- Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) / Building the DL model
- Region-based Convolution Neural Network (R-CNN) / Architecture of the MobileNet SSD model
- Reinforcement Learning (RL)
- about / Understanding Reinforcement Learning (RL)
- Markov Decision Process (MDP) / Markov Decision Process (MDP)
- Discounted Future Reward / Discounted Future Reward
- reorder_sentences function
- about / The reorder_sentences function
- retrieval-based approach, chatbots
- about / Retrieval-based approach
- revised, baseline approach
- implementing / Implementing the revised approach
- dependencies, importing / Importing the dependencies
- IMDb dataset, downloading / Downloading and loading the IMDb dataset
- IMDb dataset, loading / Downloading and loading the IMDb dataset
- top words, selecting / Choosing the top words and the maximum text length
- maximum text length / Choosing the top words and the maximum text length
- word embedding, implementing / Implementing word embedding
- convolutional neural net (CNN), building / Building a convolutional neural net (CNN)
- accuracy, training / Training and obtaining the accuracy
- accuracy, obtaining / Training and obtaining the accuracy
- testing / Testing the revised approach
- issues / Understanding problems with the revised approach
- revised approach
- implementing / Implementing the revised approach, Implementing and testing the revised approach , Implementing the revised approach, Implementation, Implementing the revised approach, Implementing the revised approach
- cross-validation based approach, implementing / Implementing a cross-validation based approach
- hyperparameter tuning, implementing / Implementing hyperparameter tuning
- testing / Implementing and testing the revised approach , Testing the revised approach, Testing the revised approach, Testing the revised approach
- issues / Understanding problems with the revised approach , Understanding the problem with the revised approach, Problems with the revised approach, Problems with the revised approach
- about / Understanding the revised approach
- alignment, implementing / Implementing alignment
- smoothing, implementing / Implementing smoothing
- logistic regression, implementing / Implementing logistic regression
- building / Building the revised approach, Building the revised approach
- improving / Understanding how to improve the revised approach, Understanding how to improve the revised approach
- dataset, loading / Loading dataset
- EDA of book-rating datafile / EDA of the book-rating datafile
- book datafile, exploring / Exploring the book datafile
- EDA of user datafile / EDA of the user datafile
- logic of correlation, implementing for recommendation engine / Implementing the logic of correlation for the recommendation engine
- revised approach, chatbot development
- implementing / Implementing the revised approach
- data preparation / Data preparation
- question-answer pairs, generating / Generating question-answer pairs
- dataset, preprocessing / Preprocessing the dataset
- dataset, splitting into training dataset and testing dataset / Splitting the dataset into the training dataset and the testing dataset
- vocabulary, building for training and testing datasets / Building a vocabulary for the training and testing datasets
- seq2seq model, building / Implementing the seq2seq model
- model, creating / Creating the model
- model, training / Training the model
- testing / Testing the revised approach, Testing the revised version of the chatbot
- testing metrics / Understanding the testing metrics
- shortcomings / Problems with the revised approach
- revised approach, job recommendation engine
- building / Building the revised approach
- dataset, loading / Loading the dataset
- training and testing datasets, splitting / Splitting the training and testing datasets
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) / Exploratory Data Analysis
- recommendation engine, building with jobs datafile / Building the recommendation engine using the jobs datafile
- testing / Testing the revised approach
- shortcomings / Problems with the revised approach
- improving / Understanding how to improve the revised approach
- revised approach, Real-Time Object Recognition app
- implementing / Implementing the revised approach
- testing / Testing the revised approach
- shortcomings / Understanding problems with the revised approach
- revised approach, summarization application
- building / Building the revised approach
- implementing / Implementing the revised approach
- get_summarized function / The get_summarized function
- reorder_sentences function / The reorder_sentences function
- summarize function / The summarize function
- summary, generating / Generating the summary
- shortcomings / Problems with the revised approach
- improving / Understanding how to improve the revised approach
- LSA algorithm / The LSA algorithm
- rule-based chatbot
- implementing / Implementing the rule-based chatbot
- conversation flow, implementing / Implementing the conversation flow
- RESTful APIs, implementing with flask / Implementing RESTful APIs using flask
- testing / Testing the rule-based chatbot
- advantages / Advantages of the rule-based chatbot
- rule-based system
- working / Why does the rule-based system work?
- about / Understanding the rule-based system
- scraped dataset
- about / Scraped dataset
- seq2seq model
- about / Understanding the seq2seq model
- Sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) neural network architecture
- about / Generative-based approach
- short conversation, chatbot development
- about / Short conversation
- simple TF-IDF
- used, for building job recommendation engine / Generating TF-IDF vectors and cosine similarity
- training dataset, building / Building the training dataset
- IF-IDF vectors, generating for training dataset / Generating IF-IDF vectors for the training dataset
- testing dataset, building / Building the testing dataset
- similarity score, generating / Generating the similarity score
- Single Shot Detector (SSD) / Selecting the machine learning algorithm
- smoothing / Smoothing
- Space Invaders gaming bot
- building / Building the Space Invaders gaming bot
- implementing / Implementing the Space Invaders gaming bot
- standard deviation
- reference link / Listing statistical properties
- statistical properties
- listing / Listing statistical properties
- stocks / Introducing the problem statement
- summarization
- basics / Understanding the basics of summarization
- extractive summarization / Extractive summarization
- abstractive summarization / Abstractive summarization
- summarization application
- problem statement / Introducing the problem statement
- datasets / Understanding datasets
- baseline approach, building / Building the baseline approach
- revised approach, building / Building the revised approach
- best approach / The idea behind the best approach
- summarization application, building with Amazon reviews
- about / Building the summarization application using Amazon reviews
- dataset, loading / Loading the dataset
- dataset, exploring / Exploring the dataset
- dataset, preparing / Preparing the dataset
- DL model, building / Building the DL model
- DL model, training / Training the DL model
- DL model, testing / Testing the DL model
- summarize function
- about / The summarize function
- Sumy
- about / Installing python dependencies
- support / Support
- Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm
- about / Selecting the machine learning algorithm
- reference link / Selecting the machine learning algorithm
- techniques, outliers detection
- percentile-based outlier detection / Percentile-based outlier detection
- Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)-based outlier detection / Median Absolute Deviation (MAD)-based outlier detection
- Standard Deviation (STD)-based outlier detection / Standard Deviation (STD)-based outlier detection
- Majority-vote-based outlier detection / Majority-vote-based outlier detection:
- visualization of outliers / Visualization of outliers
- Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF )
- about / Feature engineering for the baseline model
- testing matrix
- about / Understanding the testing matrix, Understanding the testing matrix, The default testing matrix, Understanding the testing matrix, Understanding the testing matrix, Understanding the testing matrix , Understanding the testing matrix
- trained models, mean accuracy / The Mean accuracy of the trained models
- ROC-AUC score / The ROC-AUC score
- visualization approach / The visualization approach
- confusion matrix / Confusion matrix
- learning curve / Learning curve
- precision / Precision
- recall / Recall
- F1-score / F1-Score
- support / Support
- training accuracy / Training accuracy
- testing metrics, Real-Time Object Recognition app
- about / Understanding the testing metrics
- Intersection over Union (IoU) / Intersection over Union (IoU)
- mean Average Precision (mAP) / mean Average Precision
- testing metrics, revised version of chatbot
- about / Understanding the testing metrics
- perplexity / Perplexity
- loss / Loss
- textrank_text_summarizer function
- about / Generating the summary
- using / Generating the summary
- thought vector / Understanding the seq2seq model
- trained model
- predicting / Predicting and saving the trained model
- saving / Predicting and saving the trained model
- Transfer Learning
- about / Transfer Learning, What is Transfer Learning?
- pre-trained model / What is a pre-trained model?
- pre-trained model, advantages / What is a pre-trained model?, Why should we use a pre-trained model?
- pre-trained model, using / How can we use a pre-trained model?
- True Negative (TN) / Understanding the testing matrix
- True Positive (TP) / Understanding the testing matrix
- Turing Test
- reference / Open domain
- users.tsv
- about / users.tsv
- UserID / users.tsv
- WindowID / users.tsv
- Split / users.tsv
- City / users.tsv
- State / users.tsv
- Country / users.tsv
- ZipCode / users.tsv
- DegreeType / users.tsv
- Major / users.tsv
- GraduationDate / users.tsv
- WorkHistoryCount / users.tsv
- TotalYearsExperience / users.tsv
- CurrentlyEmployed / users.tsv
- ManagedOthers / users.tsv
- ManagedHowMany / users.tsv
- user_history.tsv
- about / user_history.tsv
- Sequence / user_history.tsv
- JobTitle / user_history.tsv
- file
- build_feature_matrixs function /
- low_rank_svd function /
- visualization / The visualization approach
- voting-based ensemble ML model / Voting-based ensemble ML model
- about / How can we use a pre-trained model?, Understanding YOLO
- working / The working of YOLO
- advantages / The working of YOLO
- architecture / The architecture of YOLO
- YOLO implementation, Darkflow used
- performing / Implementation using Darkflow
- Cython, installing / Installing Cython
- setup file, building / Building the already provided setup file
- environment, testing / Testing the environment
- object detection, running on images / Loading the model and running object detection on images
- object detection, running on video stream / Loading the model and running object detection on the video stream
- YOLO implementation, Darknet used
- performing / Implementation using Darknet
- environment setup, for Darknet / Environment setup for Darknet
- Darknet. compiling / Compiling the Darknet
- pre-trained weight, downloading / Downloading the pre-trained weight
- image object detection, running / Running object detection for the image