For the seventh year in a row, Tableau has been identified as a leader in Gartners Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence. The latest Quadrant from 2019 can be seen in the following screenshot:

Based on the Gartner press release in February 2018, Tableau is said to score highly, due to its consistent and spontaneous approach. It allows people from various fields to prepare, evaluate, and perform data without technical skills. However, for those who want to go beyond Tableau's built-in functionality, one can make use of the R (release 8.1), Python (release 10.1), or MATLAB (release 10.4) integration. How does the integration empower Tableau? It happens through calculated fields. Tableau dynamically interfaces with Rserve, TabPy, or MATLAB to pass values and receive results. And, as announced at Tableau Conference 2018, Tableau...