The following screenshot shows page 9006—Order Processor Role Center:

The components of the Role Center highlighted in the preceding screenshot are as follows:
- Action ribbon
- Navigation pane
- Activity pane
- Headlines (headline is introduced from Business Central and is not available in previous versions)
- Cues (in Cue Groups)
- Page parts
- System part
We need to understand the construction of a Role Center page so that we are prepared to modify an existing Role Center or create a new one. First, we'll take a look at page 9006 "Order Processor Role Center" in the Page Designer:

The Role Center page layout should look familiar, because it's very similar in structure to the pages we've designed previously. What is specific to a Role Center page? There is a container control of the rolecenter area. This is required for a Role Center page.
Note that the PageType is rolecenter, and there is no SourceTable.