Page parts are used for FactBoxes and subpages. Many of the properties of page parts are similar to the properties of other Business Central components and operate essentially the same way in a page part as they operate elsewhere. Those properties include ID, Name, Visible, Enabled, Editable, Caption, CaptionML, ToolTip, ToolTipML, and Description.
Other properties that are specific to the page part controls are as follows:
- SubPageView: This defines the table view that applies to named Subpage as shown in the following screenshot of part:

- SubPageLink: This defines the fields that link to the subpage and the link that is based on a constant, a filter, or another field. This is also shown in the preceding screenshot.
- ProviderID: This contains the ID of another page part control within the current page. This enables us to link a subordinate part to a controlling parent part. For example, page 42—Sales Order uses this property to update Sales Line FactBox...