- acccheck
- about / acccheck
- activity report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- Alerts tab, Owasp-Zap / Owasp-Zap
- Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE) / Calculating risk
- Annual Rate of Occurrence (ARO) / Calculating risk
- appendices / Appendices
- Application Delivery Controller (ADC) appliances / Cookie defense
- application layer attacks / Denial of Services (DoS)
- apt-get update command / Browser Exploitation Framework – BeEF
- arpspoof
- about / dsniff and arpspoof
- Asset Value (AV) / Calculating risk
- attack
- scenarios, by Scapy / Scapy
- Attack Setup tab, WebSlayer / WebSlayer
- Autopsy
- about / Autopsy
- BeEF
- about / Browser Exploitation Framework – BeEF
- URL / Browser Exploitation Framework – BeEF
- installing / Browser Exploitation Framework – BeEF
- apt-get update command / Browser Exploitation Framework – BeEF
- starting / Browser Exploitation Framework – BeEF
- hook.js / Browser Exploitation Framework – BeEF
- BeEF system
- about / Trust
- Binwalk
- about / Binwalk
- BIOS (Basic Input Output System) password / CmosPwd
- Black box testing / Penetration Testing methodology
- brute-force attack
- about / Brute-force attacks
- Hydra / Hydra
- DirBuster / DirBuster
- WebSlayer / WebSlayer
- bulk_extractor
- about / bulk_extractor
- BURP Proxy
- about / BURP Proxy
- Burp Spider / BURP Proxy
- Spider function, using / BURP Proxy
- Burp Spider / BURP Proxy
- Center for Internet Security (CIS) / STIG
- Certificate Authority, Owasp-Zap / Owasp-Zap
- certifications / Additional SOW material
- Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
- about / Methodology
- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) / Calculating risk
- chkrootkit
- about / chkrootkit
- chntpw / chntpw
- CIA / Calculating risk
- Cisco Network Foundation Protection (NFP) / STIG
- Clickjacking
- about / Clickjacking
- URL, for downloading tool / Clickjacking
- Clickjacking defense
- about / Clickjacking defense
- client-side Penetration Test report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- cloning / Using SET to clone and attack
- cloning tools
- about / Other cloning tools
- CmosPwd / CmosPwd
- Common Log Format (CLF) / urlsnarf
- compliance
- about / Compliance
- industry compliance / Compliance
- confidentility / Confidentiality statement
- Cookie Cadger
- about / Cookie Cadger
- recognized sessions / Cookie Cadger
- session request information / Cookie Cadger
- cookie defense
- about / Cookie defense
- Cookie Injector
- about / Cookie Injector – Firefox plugin
- cookies
- about / Hijacking web session cookies
- session hijacking attacks, limitations / Hijacking web session cookies
- stealing / Hijacking web session cookies
- Cookies Manager+
- about / Cookies Manager+ – Firefox plugin
- cover page / Cover page
- crawler tab, ProxyStrike / ProxyStrike
- creddump / creddump
- credentials / Additional SOW material
- Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) / Industry standards
- Crunch / Obtaining and cracking user passwords, Crunch
- CutyCapt / CutyCapt
- DBPwAudit
- about / DBPwAudit
- dc3dd
- about / dc3dd
- DDoS
- about / Denial of Services (DoS)
- defense
- testing / Testing your defenses
- Man-in-the-middle defense / Man-in-the-middle defense
- SSL strip defense / SSL strip defense
- Denial of Service defense / Denial of Service defense
- cookie defense / Cookie defense
- Clickjacking defense / Clickjacking defense
- Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)
- about / STIG
- defenses, testing
- about / Testing your defenses
- baseline security / Baseline security
- Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) / STIG
- patch management / Patch management
- password, policies / Password policies
- Definition Of Target Space / Penetration Testing methodology
- Definition Of Target System(s) / Penetration Testing methodology
- Denial of Service defense
- about / Denial of Service defense
- Department of Defense (DOD) / STIG
- dictionary attack / Obtaining and cracking user passwords
- dictstat
- about / dictstat
- running / dictstat
- Dig (domain information groper) / DNS Reconnaissance techniques
- digital forensics
- about / Digital forensics
- DirBuster
- about / DirBuster
- Report button / DirBuster
- target, identification / DNS target identification
- DNS Reconnaissance
- techniques / DNS Reconnaissance techniques
- Domain Name System (DNS) / DNSCHEF
- DoS
- about / Denial of Services (DoS)
- attack, categories / Denial of Services (DoS)
- DoS attack categories
- volume based attacks / Denial of Services (DoS)
- protocol attacks / Denial of Services (DoS)
- application layer attacks / Denial of Services (DoS)
- session exhaustion / Denial of Services (DoS)
- Dradis / Dradis
- Driftnet
- about / Driftnet
- dsniff
- about / dsniff and arpspoof
- starting / dsniff and arpspoof
- e-mail systems
- exploiting / Exploiting e-mail systems
- about / Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR)
- Ettercap
- about / Ettercap
- menu options / Ettercap
- executive summary
- about / Executive summary
- exploitation
- tools / Step 3 – Exploitation, Step 4 – Privilege Escalation
- goals / Step 3 – Exploitation
- Exploitation Tools / Kali toolset overview
- Exploit tab, w3af / w3af
- fdisk -l command
- mounting / Mounting Windows
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) / Industry standards
- Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) / Industry standards
- Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) / Industry standards
- Ferret
- about / Hamster and Ferret
- Fierce script
- command, for running / DNS target identification
- Filesystem analysis
- with Kali / Filesystem analysis with Kali
- Fimap
- about / Fimap
- using / Fimap
- findmyhash / findmyhash
- FireFox Plugins
- about / Firefox plugins
- Firesheep / Firesheep – Firefox plugin
- Web Developer / Web Developer – Firefox plugin
- Greasemonkey / Greasemonkey – Firefox plugin
- Cookie Injector / Cookie Injector – Firefox plugin
- Cookies Manager+ / Cookies Manager+ – Firefox plugin
- Cookie Cadger / Cookie Cadger
- Wireshark / Wireshark
- Hamster / Hamster and Ferret
- man-in-the-middle attack / Man-in-the-middle attack
- dsniff / dsniff and arpspoof
- arpspoof / dsniff and arpspoof
- Ettercap / Ettercap
- Driftnet / Driftnet
- Firesheep
- about / Firesheep – Firefox plugin
- Flag
- defining / Penetration Testing methodology
- about / FOCA – website metadata Reconnaissance
- URL, for downloading / FOCA – website metadata Reconnaissance
- Foremost
- about / Foremost
- forensics / Kali toolset overview
- Forensics Boot
- about / Kali Forensics Boot
- forensics tools
- about / Other forensics tools in Kali
- chkrootkit / chkrootkit
- Autopsy / Autopsy
- Binwalk / Binwalk
- pdf-parser / pdf-parser
- Foremost / Foremost
- Pasco / Pasco
- Scalpel / Scalpel
- bulk_extractor / bulk_extractor
- FoxyProxy
- about / FoxyProxy – Firefox plugin
- proxy, adding / FoxyProxy – Firefox plugin
- fping command / ICMP Reconnaissance techniques
- about / Google Hacking Database
- URL / Google Hacking Database
- accessing / Google Hacking Database
- search query, selecting / Google Hacking Database
- home screen / Google Hacking Database
- GIAC Penetration Tester (GPEN)
- about / Methodology
- glossary / Glossary
- Google hacking
- about / Google hacking
- Gray box testing / Penetration Testing methodology
- Greasemonkey
- about / Greasemonkey – Firefox plugin
- hackers
- password cracking, ways / Obtaining and cracking user passwords
- Hamster
- about / Hamster and Ferret
- Hardware Hacking / Kali toolset overview
- Hash-identifier / Hash-identifier
- hashcat / hashcat and oclHashcat
- hashing / Obtaining and cracking user passwords
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) / Baseline security
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) / Industry standards
- hexinject
- about / hexinject
- host report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- host scanning
- about / Host scanning
- with Nessus / Host scanning with Nessus
- Hosts tab, NMap / Nmap
- HTTrack
- about / HTTrack – clone a website, HTTrack
- using / HTTrack – clone a website
- starting / HTTrack – clone a website
- directory, selecting / HTTrack – clone a website
- command, displaying / HTTrack – clone a website
- hybrid / Obtaining and cracking user passwords
- Hydra
- about / Hydra
- ICMP Reconnaissance
- techniques / ICMP Reconnaissance techniques
- ifconfig command / SSL strip
- industry compliance
- baselines / Compliance
- standards / Compliance
- guidelines / Compliance
- industry standards
- about / Industry standards
- Information Collection stage / Documentation
- Information Gathering / Step 1 – Reconnaissance, Kali toolset overview, Reconnaissance objectives
- installation
- Kali Linux, requisites / Installing Kali Linux
- Kali Linux / Installing Kali Linux
- International Organization for Standardization (ISO) / Baseline security
- International Organization for Standards (ISO)
- about / Methodology
- Intrusion Detection / Prevention (IDS/IPS) / Sample reports
- Inundator / Inundator
- Iptables
- used, for setting up port redirection / Setting up port redirection using Iptables
- Java Applet Attack / Using SET to clone and attack
- job postings
- about / Job postings
- Johnny
- about / Johnny
- using / Johnny
- Statistics tab / Johnny
- Output tab / Johnny
- John the Ripper
- about / John the Ripper
- operation / John the Ripper
- opening / John the Ripper
- using, on password file / John the Ripper
- Kali
- password cracking tools / Kali password cracking tools
- Kali Linux
- about / Kali Penetration Testing concepts, Introducing Kali Linux
- Reconnaissance / Step 1 – Reconnaissance
- target, evaluating / Step 2 – Target evaluation
- exploitation / Step 3 – Exploitation
- privilege escalation / Step 4 – Privilege Escalation
- Maintain Foothold, goals / Step 5 – maintaining a foothold
- URL, for downloading / Introducing Kali Linux
- system setup / Kali system setup
- Physical Address Extension (PAE) / Kali system setup
- running, from external media / Running Kali Linux from external media
- installing / Installing Kali Linux
- installation, requisites / Installing Kali Linux
- and VM image / Kali Linux and VM image first run
- toolset / Kali toolset overview
- SniffJoke / SniffJoke
- Siege / Siege
- Inundator / Inundator
- TCPReplay / TCPReplay
- reporting, tools / Kali reporting tools
- Kali Linux, tools
- Information Gathering / Kali toolset overview
- Vulnerability Analysis / Kali toolset overview
- Web Applications / Kali toolset overview
- Password Attacks / Kali toolset overview
- Wireless Attacks / Kali toolset overview
- Exploitation Tools / Kali toolset overview
- Sniffing and Spoofing / Kali toolset overview
- Maintaining Access tool / Kali toolset overview
- Reverse Engineering / Kali toolset overview
- Stress Testing / Kali toolset overview
- Hardware Hacking / Kali toolset overview
- forensics / Kali toolset overview
- Reporting Tools / Kali toolset overview
- System Services / Kali toolset overview
- KeepNote / KeepNote
- Linux passwords / Linux passwords
- log tab, ProxyStrike / ProxyStrike
- Log window, w3af / w3af
- about / Low Orbit Ion Cannon
- installing / Low Orbit Ion Cannon
- launching / Low Orbit Ion Cannon
- using / Low Orbit Ion Cannon
- MagicTree / MagicTree
- Maintain Foothold
- about / Step 5 – maintaining a foothold
- goals / Step 5 – maintaining a foothold
- Maintaining Access tools / Step 5 – maintaining a foothold, Kali toolset overview
- Maltego
- about / Maltego – Information Gathering graphs
- starting / Maltego – Information Gathering graphs
- using / Maltego – Information Gathering graphs
- Maltego caseFile / Maltego CaseFile
- Man-in-the-middle
- about / Man-in-the-middle
- defense / Man-in-the-middle defense
- man-in-the-middle attack
- about / Man-in-the-middle attack
- Media Access Control Security (MACsec)
- about / Man-in-the-middle defense
- Metasploit
- about / Metasploit
- URL / Metasploit
- meterpreter / Using SET to clone and attack
- MITM Proxy
- about / MitM Proxy
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) / Industry standards
- NAT option / Using SET to clone and attack
- Nessus
- host scanning / Host scanning with Nessus
- installing, on Kali / Installing Nessus on Kali
- activation code, URL / Installing Nessus on Kali
- downloading, for Debian / Installing Nessus on Kali
- using / Using Nessus
- Nessus HomeFeed / Installing Nessus on Kali
- Nessus ProfessionalFeed / Installing Nessus on Kali
- Netcat
- about / Exploiting e-mail systems
- network Topology tab, NMap / Nmap
- Next Generation Intrusion Prevention Systems (NGIPS) / Browser Exploitation Framework – BeEF
- NMap
- about / Nmap
- using / Nmap
- Zenmap, opening / Nmap
- new profile, creating / Nmap
- New Profile or Command, selecting / Nmap
- Ping tab / Nmap
- Save Changes button / Nmap
- network Topology tab / Nmap
- Hosts tab / Nmap
- scan window / Nmap
- Zenmap / Nmap
- Nmap
- URL / Nmap
- North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) / Industry standards
- Ophcrack / Ophcrack
- OTP (one-time passwords)
- about / Man-in-the-middle defense
- Owasp-Zap
- about / Owasp-Zap
- Generate button / Owasp-Zap
- Generate / Owasp-Zap
- Certificate Authority / Owasp-Zap
- Sites window / Owasp-Zap
- Alerts tab / Owasp-Zap
- market place / Owasp-Zap
- Report tab / Owasp-Zap
- HTML report / Owasp-Zap
- Pasco
- about / Pasco
- password
- policies / Password policies
- Password Attacks
- tools / Step 4 – Privilege Escalation
- password cracking tools, Kali
- about / Kali password cracking tools
- Johnny / Johnny
- oclHashcat / hashcat and oclHashcat
- hashcat / hashcat and oclHashcat
- samdump2 / samdump2
- chntpw / chntpw
- Ophcrack / Ophcrack
- Crunch / Crunch
- passwords
- about / Cracking passwords
- cracking / Obtaining and cracking user passwords
- cracking, by hackers / Obtaining and cracking user passwords
- Windows passwords / Windows passwords
- Linux passwords / Linux passwords
- Patator
- about / Patator
- patch management / Patch management
- patch this system / Network considerations and recommendations
- Payload Generator tab, WebSlayer / WebSlayer
- Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) / Industry standards
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) / Baseline security, Industry standards
- pdf-parser
- about / pdf-parser
- Penetration Testing
- web application / Web application Penetration Testing concepts
- Black box testing / Penetration Testing methodology
- White box testing / Penetration Testing methodology
- Gray box testing / Penetration Testing methodology
- work, scope / Penetration Testing methodology
- about / Calculating risk
- phrasendrescher / phrasendrescher
- Physical Address Extension (PAE) / Kali system setup
- ping command / ICMP Reconnaissance techniques
- Ping tab, NMap / Nmap
- plugins tab, ProxyStrike / ProxyStrike
- Port forwarding option / Using SET to clone and attack
- port redirection
- setting up, Iptables used / Setting up port redirection using Iptables
- privilege escalation
- about / Step 4 – Privilege Escalation
- goals / Step 4 – Privilege Escalation
- professional services
- about / Professional services
- Project Review / Documentation
- protocol attacks / Denial of Services (DoS)
- proxy section, Vega / Vega
- ProxyStrike
- about / ProxyStrike
- using / ProxyStrike
- plugins tab / ProxyStrike
- log tab / ProxyStrike
- crawler tab / ProxyStrike
- URL / ProxyStrike
- proxy tab, Vega / Vega
- RainbowCrack / Obtaining and cracking user passwords
- RainbowCrack (rcracki_mt) / RainbowCrack (rcracki_mt)
- rainbow tables / Obtaining and cracking user passwords
- Real attackers / Penetration Testing methodology
- Reconnaissance / Step 1 – Reconnaissance
- objectives / Reconnaissance objectives
- research / Initial research
- company website / Company website
- web history, sources / Web history sources
- Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) / Regional Internet Registries (RIRs)
- Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) / Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR)
- social media, resources / Social media resources
- trust / Trust
- job, postings / Job postings
- location / Location
- Shodan / Shodan
- Google hacking / Google hacking
- Google Hacking Database (GHDB) / Google Hacking Database
- networks, researching / Researching networks
- HTTrack / HTTrack – clone a website
- ICMP Reconnaissance, techniques / ICMP Reconnaissance techniques
- DNS Reconnaissance, techniques / DNS Reconnaissance techniques
- DNS target identification / DNS target identification
- Maltego / Maltego – Information Gathering graphs
- Nmap / Nmap
- FOCA / FOCA – website metadata Reconnaissance
- report
- documentation / Documentation
- format / Report format
- executive report / Executive summary
- report, format
- cover page / Cover page
- confidentiality statement / Confidentiality statement
- document, control / Document control
- timeline / Timeline
- executive summary / Executive summary
- methodology / Methodology
- testing procedures, detailed / Detailed testing procedures
- findings, summary / Summary of findings
- vulnerabilities / Vulnerabilities
- network, considerations / Network considerations and recommendations
- network, recommendations / Network considerations and recommendations
- appendices / Appendices
- glossary / Glossary
- Report button, DirBuster / DirBuster
- Reporting Tools / Kali toolset overview
- reporting tools, Kali Linux
- Dradis / Dradis
- KeepNote / KeepNote
- Maltego caseFile / Maltego CaseFile
- MagicTree / MagicTree
- CutyCapt / CutyCapt
- sample reports / Sample reports
- Report tab, Owasp-Zap / Owasp-Zap
- Requests for Pricing (RFP)
- about / Professional services
- Results tab, w3af / w3af
- Reverse Engineering / Kali toolset overview
- Review phase / Documentation
- RIRs
- about / Regional Internet Registries (RIRs)
- Robots.txt file / Company website
- salting / Obtaining and cracking user passwords
- SAM (System Account Management) registry file / Windows passwords
- samdump2 / samdump2
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) / Industry standards
- Save Changes button / Nmap
- SCADA system
- about / Shodan
- Scalpel
- about / Scalpel
- scanner tab, Vega / Vega
- Scapy
- about / Scapy
- attack, scenarios / Scapy
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol / THC-SSL-DOS
- security audit / Penetration Testing methodology
- Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) / Confidentiality statement
- server-side attacks
- about / Vulnerability assessment
- services command / Metasploit
- session exhaustion / Denial of Services (DoS)
- session management
- about / Attacking session management
- about / Social Engineering Toolkit (SET), SET password harvesting
- setting up / Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)
- using, to clone / Using SET to clone and attack
- using, to attack / Using SET to clone and attack
- meterpreter / Using SET to clone and attack
- Site Cloner / Using SET to clone and attack
- fake e-mail, sending / Using SET to clone and attack
- template, selecting / SET password harvesting
- username, entering / SET password harvesting
- Shodan
- about / Shodan
- Sidejacking
- about / Hamster and Ferret
- Siege / Siege
- Site Cloner / Using SET to clone and attack
- Sites window, Owasp-Zap / Owasp-Zap
- Skipfish
- about / Skipfish
- latest version, downloading / Skipfish
- command options / Skipfish
- about / Calculating risk
- Slowloris
- about / Slowloris
- running / Slowloris
- Sniffing and Spoofing / Kali toolset overview
- SniffJoke / SniffJoke
- Social-Engineering Attacks / Using SET to clone and attack
- social engineering
- about / Social engineering
- social media
- about / Social media resources
- about / Timeline, Statement of Work (SOW)
- executive report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- executive report, example / Statement of Work (SOW)
- activity report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- host report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- vulnerability report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- client-side Penetration Test report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- user report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- penetration testing, external / External Penetration Testing
- material / Additional SOW material
- about / SQL Injection
- injection / SQL Injection
- sqlmap / sqlmap
- sqlmap / sqlmap
- SSL strip
- about / SSL strip
- SSL strip defense
- about / SSL strip defense
- about / STIG
- Stress Testing / Kali toolset overview
- Summary of findings / Summary of findings
- System Services / Kali toolset overview
- -t option / DNS Reconnaissance techniques
- Tamper Data
- about / Hydra
- Target Evaluation / Step 2 – Target evaluation
- TCPReplay / TCPReplay
- testing
- procedures / Detailed testing procedures
- about / Hydra
- about / THC-SSL-DOS
- Time and Materials / Professional services
- Timeframe Of Work Performed / Penetration Testing methodology
- timelines / Timeline
- tools, Kali
- Hash-identifier / Hash-identifier
- dictstat / dictstat
- RainbowCrack (rcracki_mt) / RainbowCrack (rcracki_mt)
- findmyhash / findmyhash
- phrasendrescher / phrasendrescher
- CmosPwd / CmosPwd
- creddump / creddump
- traceroute command / ICMP Reconnaissance techniques
- TrustedSec. / Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)
- Turnkey services / Professional services
- Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (Unicast RPF) / Denial of Service defense
- Update the Social-Engineer Toolkit option / Using SET to clone and attack
- urlsnarf
- about / urlsnarf
- accessing / urlsnarf
- using / urlsnarf
- user report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- Vega
- about / Vega
- scanner tab / Vega
- proxy tab / Vega
- Injection modules / Vega
- Response Processing modules / Vega
- Website View window / Vega
- Proxy section / Vega
- Virtual Private Network (VPN)
- about / Man-in-the-middle defense
- VM image
- and Kali Linux / Kali Linux and VM image first run
- volume based attacks / Denial of Services (DoS)
- vulnerabilities
- about / Vulnerabilities
- Vulnerability Analysis / Step 2 – Target evaluation, Kali toolset overview
- Vulnerability Assessment / Penetration Testing methodology
- about / Calculating risk
- vulnerability report / Statement of Work (SOW)
- w3af
- about / w3af
- Log window / w3af
- Results tab / w3af
- Exploit tab / w3af
- w3mir
- about / Other cloning tools
- WayBack Machine
- accessing / Web history sources
- web application
- about / Web application Penetration Testing concepts, Kali toolset overview
- WebCopier
- about / Other cloning tools
- Web Developer
- about / Web Developer – Firefox plugin
- Webshag
- about / Webshag
- URL / Webshag
- webshag-gui / Webshag
- Website Attack Vectors / Using SET to clone and attack
- WebSlayer
- about / WebSlayer
- Attack Setup tab / WebSlayer
- Payload Generator tab / WebSlayer
- Websploit
- about / Websploit
- accessing / Websploit
- White box testing / Penetration Testing methodology
- Windows
- mounting / Mounting Windows
- Windows Reverse_TCP Meterpreter / Using SET to clone and attack
- Wireless Attacks / Kali toolset overview
- Wireshark
- about / Wireshark
- location / Wireshark
- traffic, capturing / Wireshark
- unsecured cookie, capturing / Wireshark
- Wireshark Cookie Dump / Cookie Injector – Firefox plugin
- word count command / John the Ripper
- about / Cross-site scripting (XSS)
- testing / Testing cross-site scripting
- cookie stealing / XSS cookie stealing / Authentication hijacking
- about / OWASP – ZAP
- setting up, with Firefox / OWASP – ZAP
- SEED files / OWASP – ZAP
- Zenmap
- opening / Nmap