- a2ensite command
- about / How it works…
- Amazon EC2 tab / Getting ready…
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) / Getting ready…
- Apache servers
- about / Managing Apache servers
- managing / Managing Apache servers, There's more...
- Apache virtual hosts
- creating / Creating Apache virtual hosts, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- custom domains / Custom domains and docroots
- docroots / Custom domains and docroots
- APT package framework / There's more...
- arguments
- passing, to shell commands / Passing arguments to shell commands, How it works…
- array iteration
- using, in templates / Using array iteration in templates, How to do it…, How it works…
- arrays
- about / Iterating over multiple items
- creating / Iterating over multiple items
- using / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- hashes, using / Using hashes
- creating, with split function / Creating arrays with the split function
- arrays of resources
- using / Using arrays of resources
- audit metaparameter / How it works…
- Augeas tool
- about / Introduction
- used, for automatically edit config files / Using Augeas to automatically edit config files, How it works…
- automatic syntax checking
- Git hooks, used / Automatic syntax checking with Git hooks
- auto_failback setting / There's more…
- AWS Management Console
- URL / Getting ready…
- Blueprint
- running / How to do it...
- case statements
- about / Using selectors and case statements, Case statement
- examples / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- default value, specifying / Defaults
- CentOS
- about / Linux distributions
- changes parameter / How it works…
- script / How it works…
- circular dependency
- about / Drawing dependency graphs
- circular dependency issue
- fixing / How it works…
- class inheritance
- using / Using class inheritance and overriding, How to do it…, How it works…
- extra values, adding using +> operator / Adding extra values using +>
- cloud computing / Managing EC2 instances
- command output
- logging / Logging command output, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- community Puppet style
- about / Using community Puppet style
- using / Using community Puppet style
- indentation / Indentation
- quoting / Quoting
- variables / Variables
- parameters / Parameters
- symlinks / Symlinks
- config files
- line, adding / Making quick edits to config files, How it works…
- editing automatically, Augeas used / Using Augeas to automatically edit config files, How it works…, There's more…
- building, snippets used / Building config files using snippets, How to do it…, How it works…
- configuration data
- importing, with Hiera / Importing configuration data with Hiera, How to do it…, There's more…
- configuration settings
- inspecting / Inspecting configuration settings
- contain_package assertion / How it works...
- cron
- Puppet, running from / Running Puppet from cron, Getting ready...
- cron jobs
- distributing / Efficiently distributing cron jobs, How to do it…, How it works…
- cross-platform manifests
- writing / Writing reusable, cross-platform manifests
- custom facts
- creating / Creating custom facts, How it works...
- Dean Wilson
- example, URL / There's more…
- debug messages
- logging / Logging debug messages
- variable values, printing / Printing out variable values
- resource, checking / Checking when a resource is applied
- decentralized Puppet architecture
- creating / Creating a decentralized Puppet architecture, Getting ready, There's more...
- definitions
- using / Using definitions
- creating / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- dependencies
- using / Using dependencies, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- dependency graphs
- drawing / Drawing dependency graphs, Getting ready…, How to do it…, How it works…
- devbox directory / How to do it...
- directory trees
- distributing / Distributing directory trees, There's more…
- DocumentRoot parameter
- about / Custom domains and docroots
- dotfiles / Managing users' customization files
- DOT format, graphs
- / How it works…
- / How it works…
- / How it works…
- dry run mode
- using / Doing a dry run, There's more…
- dynamic information
- importing / Importing dynamic information, How to do it…
- EC2 instances
- managing / Managing EC2 instances, Getting ready…
- AWS example, creating / How to do it…, How it works…, There's more...
- environment variables
- facts, setting as / Setting facts as environment variables
- ERB (embedded Ruby) syntax / Using ERB templates
- ERB templates
- using / Using ERB templates, How it works…
- exec resource / How it works…
- executable facts
- creating / How to do it...
- external facts
- adding / Adding external facts, How it works..., There's more...
- debugging / Debugging external facts
- using, in Puppets / Using external facts in Puppet
- external node classifier
- using / Using an external node classifier
- building / How to do it…, There's more…
- URL / See also
- Facter
- about / Getting information about the environment
- using / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- facts
- setting, as environment variables / Setting facts as environment variables
- facts.d directory / How it works...
- file
- shares, managing / Managing NFS servers and file shares, How to do it…, How it works…
- firewall class / How it works…
- firewalls
- managing, with iptables / Managing firewalls with iptables, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- functions
- creating / Creating your own functions, How it works...
- generate function / Importing dynamic information
- Git
- used, for managing manifests / Managing your manifests with Git, Getting ready..., How to do it..., How it works...
- Git hooks
- used, for automatic syntax checking / Automatic syntax checking with Git hooks, How to do it…
- gitrepo / Creating your own providers
- GnuPG
- used, for encrypting secrets / Using GnuPG to encrypt secrets, Getting ready, How to do it..., How it works...
- grep command / How it works…
- HAProxy
- using, to load-balance multiple web servers / Using HAProxy to load-balance multiple web servers, How to do it…, How it works…
- haproxy daemon / How it works…
- Heartbeat
- used, for building high-availability services / Building high-availability services using Heartbeat, Getting ready..., How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- installing / How it works…
- Hiera
- configuration data, importing with / Importing configuration data with Hiera, How it works…
- node-specific data, setting / Setting node-specific data with Hiera
- looking up with / Looking up data with Hiera, See also
- hiera-gpg
- secret data, storing with / Storing secret data with hiera-gpg, How it works...
- setting up / Getting ready..., How to do it...
- high-availability services
- building, Heartbeat used / Building high-availability services using Heartbeat, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- host resources
- using / Using host resources, How to do it…
- HTML documentation
- generating / Producing automatic HTML documentation, How to do it…, There's more…
- inherited attributes
- removing / Removing inherited attributes
- inline templates
- using / Using inline templates
- working / How it works…
- inline_template function / Efficiently distributing cron jobs
- in operator
- about / Using the in operator
- using / Using the in operator, How to do it…
- installation
- Puppet / Installing Puppet
- ipaddresses array / How it works…
- iptables
- firewalls, managing with / Managing firewalls with iptables, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- isnamevar declaration / How it works…
- lenses / How it works…
- Linux distributions
- about / Linux distributions
- load-balance multiple web servers
- HAProxy used for / How to do it…, How it works…
- logoutput attribute / Logging command output, How it works…
- lookupvar function / How it works...
- managehome parameter / How it works…
- manifests
- creating / Creating a manifest, How to do it...
- managing, Git used / Managing your manifests with Git, Getting ready..., How to do it..., How it works...
- checking, with puppet-lint / Checking your manifests with puppet-lint, How to do it..., There's more...
- about / Introduction
- making, portable / How to do it…, How it works...
- generating, with puppet resource / Generating manifests with puppet resource, How to do it…
- generating, with other tools / Generating manifests with other tools, How to do it..., There's more...
- testing, with rspec-puppet / Testing your manifests with rspec-puppet, How to do it..., How it works...
- master server list / There's more…
- metaparameter / How it works…
- module
- about / Using modules
- using / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- template, using / Templates
- custom facts / Facts, functions, types, and providers
- custom functions / Facts, functions, types, and providers
- custom types / Facts, functions, types, and providers
- providers / Facts, functions, types, and providers
- layout, autogenerating / Autogenerating module layout
- third party modules / Third party modules
- organizing / Module organization
- multiple file sources
- using / Using multiple file sources, How to do it…
- multiple items
- iterating over / Iterating over multiple items
- about / Managing MySQL
- managing / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- MySQL databases
- creating / Creating MySQL databases
- --noop switch / Auditing resources
- servers, managing / Managing NFS servers and file shares, How to do it…, How it works…
- nfs$$share definition / How it works…
- nfs class / How it works…
- Nginx
- about / Creating Nginx virtual hosts
- Nginx virtual hosts
- creating / Creating Nginx virtual hosts, How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- node-specific data
- setting, with Hiera / Setting node-specific data with Hiera
- node inheritance
- using / Using node inheritance, How it works…
- noop metaparameter / Temporarily disabling resources
- using / How to do it…
- old files
- cleaning up / Cleaning up old files, How to do it…, How it works…
- options parameter / How it works…
- packages
- installing, from third-party repository / Installing packages from a third-party repository, How to do it…, How it works…
- building, from source / Building packages automatically from source, How it works…
- package versions
- comparing / Comparing package versions, How it works…
- papply script
- writing / Writing a papply script, How to do it..., How it works...
- parameters
- passing, to classes / Passing parameters to classes, How it works…, There's more…
- powerful conditional statements
- writing / Writing powerful conditional statements
- example / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- elsif branches / Elsif branches
- comparisons / Comparisons
- expressions, combining / Combining expressions
- providers / Creating your own resource types
- creating / Creating your own providers, How to do it…, How it works…
- implementing / There's more…
- public modules
- using / Using public modules, How it works…, There's more…
- pull-updates script / Deploying changes with Rake
- Puppet
- installing / Installing Puppet, Getting ready..., How to do it...
- running, from cron / Running Puppet from cron, Getting ready..., How to do it..., How it works...
- bootstrapping, Rake used / Bootstrapping Puppet with Rake, How to do it..., How it works...
- standard naming conventions, using / Using standard naming conventions
- inline templates / Using inline templates
- arrays / Iterating over multiple items
- powerful conditional statements, writing / Writing powerful conditional statements
- regular expressions / Using regular expressions in if statements
- in operator, using / Using the in operator
- regular expression substitutions, using / Using regular expression substitutions, How it works…
- virtual resources / Using virtual resources
- multiple file sources / Using multiple file sources
- about / Introduction
- external facts, using / Using external facts in Puppet
- dry run mode / Doing a dry run
- command output, logging / Logging command output
- command output, loading / How it works…
- debug messages, logging / Logging debug messages
- reports, generating / Generating reports, There's more…
- HTML documentation, generating / Producing automatic HTML documentation, How to do it…, There's more…
- dependency graphs, drawing / Drawing dependency graphs, Getting ready…, How to do it…
- configuration settings, inspecting / Inspecting configuration settings
- puppet-lint
- installing / Getting ready
- used, for checking manifests / How to do it...
- URL / There's more...
- Puppet 3.2
- about / Puppet versions
- puppet apply command / Creating a decentralized Puppet architecture
- puppet config print command / Inspecting configuration settings, How it works…
- Puppet configuration
- nodeless / There's more...
- Puppet errors
- about / Understanding Puppet errors, How to do it…
- Puppet Labs official style guide
- reference link / Using community Puppet style
- Puppet Labs website
- URL / There's more..., There's more...
- puppet module command / How to do it…
- puppet module search command / How it works…
- puppet resource
- manifests, generating with / Generating manifests with puppet resource, How to do it…
- puppet resource command / Generating manifests with puppet resource
- Pysa
- about / Playing with Pysa
- URL / Playing with Pysa
- Rake
- about / Deploying changes with Rake
- used, for deploying changes / Deploying changes with Rake, How to do it...
- used, for bootstrapping Puppet / Bootstrapping Puppet with Rake, Getting ready..., How to do it..., How it works...
- rbenv
- about / rbenv
- installing / rbenv
- RDoc / How it works…
- realize function / Using virtual resources
- recurse parameter
- about / How to do it…
- Red Hat
- about / Linux distributions
- refreshonly parameter / How it works…
- regsubst function
- about / Using regular expression substitutions
- regular expression
- using, in conditional statement / How to do it…
- about / There's more…
- pattern, capturing / Capturing patterns
- using, with selectors and case statements / Regular expressions
- regular expression substitutions
- using / Using regular expression substitutions, How it works…
- working / How it works…
- regular expression syntax
- about / Regular expression syntax
- reports
- generating / Generating reports, There's more…
- resources
- overriding / Using class inheritance and overriding, How to do it…
- disabling / Disabling resources
- limiting within specified period, schedule used / Using schedules to limit when resources can be applied, How it works…, There's more…
- auditing / Auditing resources, How it works…
- disabling, temporarily / Temporarily disabling resources, How it works…
- resource types
- creating / Creating your own resource types, How to do it…, There's more…
- documentation / Documentation
- validation / Validation
- reusable manifest
- writing / Writing reusable, cross-platform manifests, How to do it…
- root parameter
- about / Custom domains and docroots
- rspec-puppet
- manifests, testing with / Testing your manifests with rspec-puppet, How to do it..., How it works...
- rspec-puppet-init command / How it works...
- Ruby
- about / Managing Ruby
- managing / Managing Ruby, How to do it...
- working / How it works...
- ruby-build
- about / ruby-build
- installing / ruby-build
- Ruby regular expression syntax
- reference link / Regular expression syntax
- run stages
- using / Using run stages, How it works…
- creating / How to do it…
- schedule metaparameter
- used, for limiting resources within specified period / Using schedules to limit when resources can be applied, How to do it…, How it works…
- secret data
- storing, with hiera-gpg / Storing secret data with hiera-gpg, How to do it..., How it works...
- secret function / There's more...
- selector
- using / Using selectors and case statements
- exmaples / How to do it…
- working / How it works…
- about / Selector
- default value, specifying / Defaults
- shellquote function / Passing arguments to shell commands
- source parameter / Using multiple file sources
- spec code / How it works...
- standard naming conventions
- using / Using standard naming conventions, How to do it…
- stats interface / How it works…
- stdlib module / How to do it…
- sum method / How it works...
- --timing switch / Debugging external facts
- tags
- using / Using tags, How to do it...
- about / Using tags
- third-party repository
- packages, installing from / Installing packages from a third-party repository, How to do it…, How it works…
- tmpfile definition / How it works…
- type / Creating your own resource types
- Ubuntu
- about / Linux distributions
- unless parameter / How it works…
- user**virtual class
- creating / How to do it…
- user customization files
- managing / Managing users' customization files, How to do it…, How it works…
- users
- managing, virtual resources used / Managing users with virtual resources, How to do it…, How it works…
- users SSH access
- managing / Managing users' SSH access, How to do it…, How it works…
- Utility computing / Managing EC2 instances
- Vagrant
- used, for managing virtual machines / Managing virtual machines with Vagrant, Getting ready…
- installing / Getting ready…
- downloading / Getting ready…
- VM, creating / How to do it..., How it works…
- documentation site, URL / There's more…
- versioncmp function / Comparing package versions
- vhost_domain parameter
- about / How it works…
- virtual IP (VIP) / Building high-availability services using Heartbeat
- virtual machines
- managing, with Vagrant / Managing virtual machines with Vagrant, Getting ready…
- virtual resources
- about / Using virtual resources
- using / Using virtual resources, How to do it…, There's more…
- used, for managing users / Managing users with virtual resources, How to do it…, How it works…
- YAML format / How it works…