Moving averages
Moving averages are frequently used to analyze time series. A moving average specifies a window of data that is previously seen, which is averaged each time the window slides forward by one period:

The different types of moving averages differ essentially in the weights used for averaging. The exponential moving average, for instance, has exponentially decreasing weights with time:

This means that older values have less influence than newer values, which is sometimes desirable.
The following code from the
file in this book's code bundle plots the simple moving average for the 11- and 22-year sunspots cycles:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import statsmodels.api as sm from pandas.stats.moments import rolling_mean data_loader = sm.datasets.sunspots.load_pandas() df = year_range = df["YEAR"].values plt.plot(year_range, df["SUNACTIVITY"].values, label="Original") plt.plot(year_range, rolling_mean(df, 11)["SUNACTIVITY"].values, label="SMA 11"...