Taking the assessment
So, you have booked your PSM™ I assessment. You’re sitting in front of the computer, the assessment has been loaded, and you are about to click the Start button. You are confident in your abilities (because you have read this book) but want to make sure you don’t fail at this last hurdle. Here’s what you should be doing:
- Make sure you have booked the exam at the time of your maximum mental ability. For most people, this is early morning, but different people perform better at different times. Don’t take longer than 40 seconds on any one question. If after that time you’re still not sure what the correct answer is, then select your best-guess answer, bookmark the question, and move on to the next one. You will be able to re-visit bookmarked questions and re-think them at the end of the questions, provided you have enough time left.
- Do not leave any questions unanswered. Even guessing the answer gives you some...