- addIceCandidate() method / Register the message handler
- add_chat_message() function / Adding JavaScript functions to enable chatting
- answer
- creating / Creating an answer in the callee's browser
- Apple
- WebRTC, enabling / Apple
- about / Apple
- architecture, e-learning application / Overall application architecture
- architecture, team communication application / Overall application architecture
- archive server / Archive server
- audio only call, WebRTC
- setting up / Setting up a simple WebRTC audio only call
- HTML user interface / The HTML user interface for audio only calls
- flow, adding to signaling server / Adding an audio only flow to the signaling server
- audio stream processing options / Audio stream processing options
- audio stream processing options
- about / Audio stream processing options
- Bowser / Apple
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- about / Restrictive SOEs
- browser compatibility, WebRTC
- about / Browser compatibility
- Chrome, on PC / Chrome and Firefox on the PC
- Firefox, on PC / Chrome and Firefox on the PC
- Firefox, on Android / Chrome and Firefox on Android
- Chrome, on Android / Chrome and Firefox on Android
- Opera / Opera
- Microsoft / Microsoft
- Apple / Apple
- updates / Staying up-to-date
- callee's flow, RTCPeerConnection API
- about / The callee's flow
- onicecandidate handler, registering / Register the onicecandidate handler
- onaddstream handler, registering / Register the onaddstream handler
- message handler, registering / Register the message handler
- local camera, accessing with getUserMedia () / Use getUserMedia to access the local camera
- JSEP offer/answer process / The JSEP offer/answer process
- callee browser
- answer, creating / Creating an answer in the callee's browser
- caller's flow, RTCPeerConnection API
- about / The caller's flow
- onicecandidate handler, registering / Register the onicecandidate handler
- onaddstream handler, registering / Register the onaddstream handler
- message handler, registering / Register the message handler
- local camera, accessing with getUserMedia() / Use getUserMedia to access the local camera
- JSEP offer/answer process / The JSEP offer/answer process
- caller browser
- offer, creating / Creating an offer in the caller's browser
- capabilities() method
- about / MediaStream API
- Chatroulette app
- about / Extending this example into a Chatroulette app
- URL / Extending this example into a Chatroulette app
- chatting
- enabling, JavaScript functions used / Adding JavaScript functions to enable chatting
- chromakey effect / Stream processing options
- URL / Stream processing options
- Chrome, for Android
- WebRTC, enabling / Chrome and Firefox on Android
- Chrome, on PC
- WebRTC, enabling / Chrome and Firefox on the PC
- Chromium project
- about / Opera
- click_file_input() function / Adding files using the <input> element
- communication, WebRTC
- setting up / Setting up communication
- general flow / The general flow
- WebSocket API / Using WebSockets
- signaling options / Other signaling options
- communication flow
- about / The general flow
- users, connecting / Connect users
- signals, starting / Start signals
- candidates, finding / Find candidates
- media session, negotiating / Negotiate media sessions
- RTCPeerConnection streams, starting / Start RTCPeerConnection streams
- connect_stream_to_src() function / Previewing the local video streams
- connect_stream_to_src() method / Establishing peer-to-peer streams
- connect_stream_to_src function / Using a web server to connect two users
- copyright property
- about / Copyright and intellectual property
- createAnswer() method / The JSEP offer/answer process
- createServer() function / Setting up a signaling server
- CU-RTC-Web
- URL / Microsoft
- data security / Data security
- dataTransfer property / Adding support for drag-and-drop
- display_file() function / Adding JavaScript for transferring files via WebSockets
- drag-and-drop
- about / Adding support for drag-and-drop
- dragover event handler / Adding JavaScript for enabling file sharing
- drag_over() function / Adding support for drag-and-drop
- drawImage() function / Sending a thumbnail preview before the entire file
- drop event handler / Adding JavaScript for enabling file sharing
- e-learning application
- WebRTC, applying / Applying WebRTC for education and e-learning
- architecture / Overall application architecture
- elements / Overall application architecture
- WebRTC implementing, issues / Potential issues that may be faced
- WebRTC implementing, benefits / Benefits that can be delivered
- e-learning application, elements
- educators / Educators
- Educators / Educators
- students / Students
- WebRTC capable browser / WebRTC capable browser
- new web application / Existing or new web application
- signaling server / Signaling server
- TURN server / TURN server
- archive server / Archive server
- educators / Educators
- new opportunities / The opportunity for educators
- Educators / Educators
- Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol(XMPP) / Other text message processing options
- files
- adding, <input> element used / Adding files using the <input> element
- transfering, via RTCDataChannel connection / Transfering files via an RTCDataChannel connection
- file sharing
- adding / Adding file sharing to our video chat app
- HTML user interface / The HTML user interface for file sharing
- enabling, JavaScript used / Adding JavaScript for enabling file sharing
- drag-and-drop / Adding support for drag-and-drop
- via WebSockets, JavaScript adding / Adding JavaScript for transferring files via WebSockets
- signals, handling / Handling the file-sharing signals on the server
- options / Other file-sharing options
- file_add div / The HTML user interface for file sharing
- file_add onclick handler / Adding JavaScript for enabling file sharing
- file_img_src image element / The HTML user interface for file sharing
- file_input() function / Adding files using the <input> element, Adding support for drag-and-drop, Adding JavaScript for transferring files via WebSockets
- file_input change event handler / Adding JavaScript for enabling file sharing
- file_input element / The HTML user interface for file sharing
- file_list div / The HTML user interface for file sharing
- file_sharing div / The HTML user interface for file sharing
- elements / The HTML user interface for file sharing
- file_thumbnail_canvas element / The HTML user interface for file sharing
- Firefox, for Android
- WebRTC, enabling / Chrome and Firefox on Android
- Firefox, on PC
- WebRTC, enabling / Chrome and Firefox on the PC
- flow, audio only calls
- adding, to signaling server / Adding an audio only flow to the signaling server
- fs.readFile() function / Setting up a signaling server
- getUserMedia API
- about / MediaStream API
- get_file_div() function / Adding files using the <input> element
- Google AppEngine Channel API / Start signals
- Google Hangouts / Applying WebRTC for education and e-learning
- HTML user interface
- about / The HTML user interface for text-based chat, The HTML user interface for file sharing
- HTML user interface, audio only calls
- about / The HTML user interface for audio only calls
- http_server variable / Setting up a signaling server
- <input> element
- used, for adding files / Adding files using the <input> element
- ICE Framework
- reference link / Find candidates
- intellectual property
- about / Copyright and intellectual property
- Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
- about / Introducing WebRTC
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) / Other text message processing options
- Internet Relay Chat (IRC) servers / Messaging server
- interoperability
- about / Interoperability
- IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)
- about / Messaging server
- JavaScript
- adding, to enable file sharing / Adding JavaScript for enabling file sharing
- adding, for file sharing via WebSockets / Adding JavaScript for transferring files via WebSockets
- JavaScript functions
- adding, to enable chatting / Adding JavaScript functions to enable chatting
- JSON.parse() method / Setting up a signaling server
- Learning Management System (LMS) / Applying WebRTC for education and e-learning
- listen() function / Setting up a signaling server
- local video streams
- previewing / Previewing the local video streams
- log_comment function / Setting up a signaling server
- log_error function / Setting up a signaling server
- managers
- about / Managers
- new opportunities / The opportunity for managers
- Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) / Applying WebRTC for education and e-learning
- MediaElement
- about / MediaStream API
- MediaStream API
- about / MediaStream API
- MediaStream Recording
- URL / Archive server
- messaging server
- about / Messaging server
- Microsoft
- about / Microsoft
- WebRTC, enabling / Microsoft
- NAT Traversal
- reference link / Find candidates
- new web application / Existing or new web application
- about / New and existing web applications
- Node.js
- about / Using WebSockets
- URL / Setting up a simple WebRTC video call
- offer
- creating / Creating an offer in the caller's browser
- onload function / Sending a thumbnail preview before the entire file
- Opera
- about / Opera
- WebRTC, enabling / Opera
- outdated student browsers
- about / Outdated student browsers
- peer-to-peer streams
- establishing / Establishing peer-to-peer streams
- peer_connection variable / Using a web server to connect two users
- privacy
- about / Privacy, Privacy
- progress updates
- providing / Providing progress updates
- readAsDataURL() function / Adding files using the <input> element
- restrictive networks
- about / Restrictive networks
- Restrictive SOEs
- about / Restrictive SOEs
- restrictive SOEs / Restrictive SOEs
- RTCDataChannel API
- about / RTCDataChannel API
- RTCDataChannel connection
- establishing / Establishing an RTCDataChannel connection
- files, transfering / Transfering files via an RTCDataChannel connection
- RTCPeerConnection API
- about / RTCPeerConnection API
- caller's flow / The caller's flow
- callee's flow / The callee's flow
- location / Where does RTCPeerConnection sit?
- RTCPeerConnection streams
- about / Start RTCPeerConnection streams
- Safari / Apple
- send_file() function / Adding files using the <input> element, Adding JavaScript for transferring files via WebSockets
- send_file_parts() function / Adding JavaScript for transferring files via WebSockets, Sending a thumbnail preview before the entire file
- Session Description Protocol (SDP)
- reference link / Negotiate media sessions
- setLocalDescription() method / The JSEP offer/answer process
- setRemoteDescription() method / Register the message handler
- setup_video() function / Previewing the local video streams, Establishing peer-to-peer streams
- signaling server / Signaling server
- setting up / Setting up a signaling server
- about / Signaling server
- URL / Using WebSockets
- Standard Operating Environment (SOE) / WebRTC capable browser
- start() function / Using a web server to connect two users, Adding JavaScript functions to enable chatting, Adding JavaScript for enabling file sharing, Adding JavaScript for transferring files via WebSockets
- states() method
- about / MediaStream API
- stream processing
- options / Stream processing options
- students / Students
- STUN server
- reference link / Find candidates
- stun_server variable / Using a web server to connect two users
- team communication application
- WebRTC, applying / Applying WebRTC for team communication
- architecture / Overall application architecture
- elements / Overall application architecture
- WebRTC implementing, issues / Potential issues that may be faced
- WebRTC implementing, benefits / Benefits that can be delivered
- team communication application, elements
- managers / Managers
- team members / Team members
- WebRTC capable browser / WebRTC capable browser
- signaling server / Signaling server
- TURN server / TURN server
- messaging server / Messaging server
- team members
- about / Team members
- text-based chat
- adding, to video chat app / Adding text-based chat to our video chat app
- HTML user interface / The HTML user interface for text-based chat
- signals, handling / Handling text-based chat signals on the server
- text message processing
- options / Other text message processing options
- thumbnail preview
- sending / Sending a thumbnail preview before the entire file
- timezones / Timezones
- TURN server / TURN server
- reference link / Find candidates
- URL / TURN server
- about / TURN server
- Unified Messaging (UM) / Messaging server
- update_file_progress() function / Adding JavaScript for transferring files via WebSockets
- users
- connecting, web server used / Using a web server to connect two users
- video chat app
- text-based chat, adding to / Adding text-based chat to our video chat app
- file sharing, adding / Adding file sharing to our video chat app
- Web Audio API
- URL / Audio stream processing options
- WebKit platform
- about / Opera
- WebRTC
- about / Introducing WebRTC
- uses / Uses for WebRTC
- testing / Try WebRTC yourself right now!
- browser compatibility / Browser compatibility
- URL / Staying up-to-date
- communication, setting up / Setting up communication
- MediaStream API / MediaStream API
- RTCPeerConnection API / RTCPeerConnection API
- RTCDataChannel API / RTCDataChannel API
- applying, for e-learning application / Applying WebRTC for education and e-learning
- WebRTC 1.0. / WebRTC capable browser
- WebRTC capable browser / WebRTC capable browser
- about / WebRTC capable browser
- new web application / New and existing web applications
- WebRTC video call
- setting up / Setting up a simple WebRTC video call
- web server
- used, for connecting two users / Using a web server to connect two users
- WebSockets
- about / Start signals, Using WebSockets
- using / Using WebSockets
- used, for file sharing / Adding JavaScript for transferring files via WebSockets
- World Wide Web (WWW)
- about / Introducing WebRTC
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- about / Introducing WebRTC
- about / Introducing WebRTC