Discovering and installing new modules
We now have an addon module with minimal structure, but it can be installed in our Odoo instance. Before we can do that, our Odoo server needs to know about this new directory we are using for our custom modules, and needs to make them available for installation.
That's what we will be doing next.
Adding to the addons path
To have new modules available for Odoo, we need to make sure the directory containing the module is in the addons path, then update the Odoo module list. Both actions have been explained in detail in the previous chapter, but here we will continue with a brief overview of what is needed.
We will position ourselves in our work directory and start the server with the appropriate addons path configuration:
$ cd ~/odoo-dev
$ ./odoo/odoo-bin -d todo --addons-path="custom-addons,odoo/addons" --save
The --save
option saves the options you used in a configuration file. This spares us from repeating them every time we restart the server; just run...