Creating a house with ProBuilder
If you quickly want to create a more detailed prototype, maybe based on an actual building, we can combine the techniques that we used in the previous recipe to extrude a complex building. In this recipe, we will demonstrate how to make a square room that includes a window and a door. Following the same process, a building of any shape can be made using ProBuilder:

Figure 7.16: The one-room house created in this recipe
Getting ready
You’ll need the ProBuilder package installed for this recipe, and also the grid snapping setup. Either work on a copy of the previous recipe, or create a new 3D project and follow steps 1—8 of the first recipe in this chapter, Getting Started with ProBuilder.
How to do it...
To create a house with ProBuilder, follow these steps:
- Create a new 3D project. Add the ProBuilder package, and set up visible grid snapping in increments of 1 Unity unit (as shown in the first recipe...