- argument labels
- adding, to function / Argument Labels
- excluding, from function / Excluding Argument Labels
- arithmetic operators
- standard arithmetic operators / Standard Arithmetic Operators
- remainder operator / Remainder Operator
- unary minus operator / Unary minus Operator
- arrays
- about / Arrays
- working with / Working arraysworking with with Arrays , Activity: Working with Arrays
- index / Index
- ArraySlice / ArraySlice
- ArraySlice
- about / ArraySlice
- assignment operator
- about / Assignment Operator
- compound assignment operator / Compound Assignment Operators
- BidirectionalCollection / Working arraysworking with with Arrays
- bitwise operators
- about / Bitwise Operators
- Boolean data type
- about / Boolean
- Bool value
- about / Boolean
- branching
- about / Branching
- if statement / The if Statement
- condition lists / Condition Lists
- switch statement / The switch Statement
- break keyword
- about / The break Keyword
- using / The break Keyword
- CamelCase
- using / Activity: CamelCase
- Character data type
- about / Character
- values, assigning / Assigning a Character
- Character literal, constructing / Constructing a Character Literal
- classes
- about / Object-Oriented Principles, Illustration
- versus, structs / Classes Versus Structs, Illustration
- defining / Defining Classes and Structures
- closed range operator
- about / Closed Range Operator
- closures
- about / Functions as Parameters, Closures
- code
- converting, from if to switch / Activity: Converting Code from if to switch
- comparison operators
- about / Comparison Operators
- equality / Equality
- inequality / Inequality, Comparison between Two Values
- compound assignment operators
- about / Compound Assignment Operators
- conditional unwrapping
- about / Conditionally Unwrapping Optionals, Using Optionals
- continue statement
- using / The continue Control Transfer Statement
- CountedSet / Activity: Using Dictionaries
- customer class
- creating / Activity: Creating a Customer Struct and Class, Challenge
- customer struct
- creating / Activity: Creating a Customer Struct and Class, Challenge
- @discardableResult
- about / Using @discardableResult
- using / Using @discardableResult
- data types, Swift
- about / Swift Data Types
- numeric data types / Numeric Data Types
- Boolean / Boolean
- Character / Character
- string / String
- working with / Activity: Data Type Summary
- dictionaries
- about / Dictionaries
- working with / Working dictionariesworking with with Dictionaries
- using / Activity: Using Dictionaries
- do…catch
- about / The do…catch Statement
- implementing / The do…catch Statement
- endIndex / Index
- enum
- about / Enums
- basic syntax / Basic Enum Syntax
- raw values / Enum with Raw Values
- using / Activity: Using Swift Enums
- Equatable / Sets
- error handling
- about / Error Handling
- do…catch statement / The do…catch Statement
- multiple catch blocks / Multiple catch Blocks
- do without catch, using / Using do without catch
- guard statement / The guard Statement
- exception handling
- about / Activity: Exception Handling
- fallthrough keyword
- about / The fallthrough Keyword
- filter method
- about / filter
- using / Using filter methodusing the filter Method
- flatMap method
- about / flatMap
- using / Using flatMap methodusingthe flatMap Method
- force unwrapped variable
- about / Declaring an Optional
- force unwrapping
- about / Force Unwrapping an Optional
- for…in statement
- about / The for…in Statement
- objects, iterating over / Iterating over Objects
- array objects with index, iterating over / Iterating over Array Objects with index
- for loop where clause / The for Loop where Clause
- break control transfer statement / The break Control Transfer Statement
- continue control transfer statement / The continue Control Transfer Statement
- functional methods
- about / Functional Methods
- filter / filter
- map / map
- flatMap / flatMap
- reduce / reduce
- functional programming
- implementing / Activity: Using Functional Programming
- function attributes
- about / Function Attributes
- functions
- about / Functions
- defining / Defining a Function
- basic syntax / Defining a Function
- argument labels, adding / Argument Labels
- argument labels, excluding / Excluding Argument Labels
- parameter default values, providing / Parameter Default Values
- implementing / Activity: Implementing a Function
- values, returning from / Returning Values from Functions
- @discardableResult, using / Using @discardableResult
- function attributes / Function Attributes
- variadic parameters / Variadic Parameters
- inout parameters / inout Parameters
- recursion / Recursion
- as parameters / Functions as Parameters
- closures / Closures
- creating, for receiving content from asynchronous web service call / Creating a Function to Receive Content from an Asynchronous Web Service Call
- function type
- about / Function Type
- guard statement
- about / The guard Statement
- using / The guard Statement
- half-open range operator
- about / Half-Open Range Operator
- Hashable / Sets
- Hello, World program
- about / Hello, World!
- if statement
- about / Branching, The if Statement
- implementing / The if Statement
- implementing, with multiple conditions / Condition Lists
- optional unwrapping / Optional Unwrapping with if
- index type, arrays
- about / Index
- indices of character, string
- identifying / Activity: All Indices of a Character
- infer data type / Type Inference
- inout parameters
- about / inout Parameters
- lazy operations
- about / Lazy Operations
- lazy sequence / Lazy Operations, Lazy Sequences
- implementing / Lazy Sequences
- Sequence internals / Sequence Internals
- creating / Creating Lazy Operations
- sequence functions / sequence(state:next:)
- lazy version, of method
- implementing / Activity: Implementing a Lazy Version of a Method
- logical operators
- about / Logical Operators
- loops
- about / Loops
- for…in statement / The for…in Statement
- while loop / The while Loop
- implementing / Activity: Implementing Loops
- map method
- about / map
- using / map
- multiple catch blocks
- about / Multiple catch Blocks
- MutableCollection / Working arraysworking with with Arrays
- nil-coalescing operator
- about / Nil-Coalescing Operator
- NSRange
- converting, to Range / Converting NSRange to Range
- numeric data types
- about / Numeric Data Types
- Int on 64-bit platform, versus 32-bit patform / Int on 64-Bit Versus 32-Bit Platforms
- built-in numeric data types / Built-In Numeric Data Types
- appropriate numeric data type, selecting / Choosing the Appropriate Numeric Data Type
- Integer variables, declaring / Declaring and Assigning Integer Variables
- Integer variables, assigning / Declaring and Assigning Integer Variables
- floating-point numbers, declaring / Declaring and Assigning Floating Point Numbers
- floating-point numbers, assigning / Declaring and Assigning Floating Point Numbers
- numeric literal grouping / Numeric Literal Grouping
- numeric type conversions / Numeric Type Conversions
- working with / Using Numeric Types
- one-sided range operator
- about / One-Sided Range Operator
- optional
- about / Optionals
- declaring / Declaring an Optional
- working with / Working with Optionals
- nil values / Optional nil Values
- values, accessing / Accessing Optional Values
- force unwrapping / Force Unwrapping an Optional
- conditional unwrapping / Conditionally Unwrapping Optionals, Using Optionals
- RandomAccessCollection / Working arraysworking with with Arrays
- range operators
- about / Range Operators
- closed range operator / Closed Range Operator
- half open range operator / Half-Open Range Operator
- one-sided range operator / One-Sided Range Operator
- ranges, of substring
- finding / Activity: All Ranges of a Substring
- recursion
- about / Recursion
- reduce method
- about / reduce
- using / Using reduce methodusingthe reduce Function
- SetAlgebra / Sets
- sets
- about / Sets
- working with / Working setsworking withwith Sets
- comparing / Comparing Sets
- duplicates, removing from sequence / Activity: Removing Duplicates from a Sequence
- startIndex / Index
- string
- about / String
- instantiating / Instantiating a String
- concatenation / String Concatenation
- Characters, extracting / Extracting Characters
- length, obtaining / String Length
- indices of character, identifying / Activity: All Indices of a Character
- using / Using Strings
- creating / Creating Strings
- common operations, implementing / Common Operations
- ranges of substring, finding / Activity: All Ranges of a Substring
- number of spaces, counting / Activity: Counting Words, Sentences, and Paragraphs
- string fundamentals
- about / String Fundamentals
- character / Character
- collection / Collection
- index / Index, Working with String Index
- debugging / Debugging
- String index
- working with / Working with String Index
- StringProtocol
- about / Substring
- structs
- about / Object-Oriented Principles
- defining / Defining Classes and Structures
- substrings
- about / Substring
- NSRange, converting to Range / Converting NSRange to Range
- Swift
- program structure / Swift Program Structure, Hello, World!
- basic language syntax / Swift Program Structure
- Hello, World program / Hello, World!
- variables / Swift Variables and Constants
- constants / Variables Versus Constants
- type inference / Type Inference
- optional / Optionals
- data types / Swift Data Types
- branching / Branching
- object-oriented features / Object-Oriented Features
- object-oriented principles / Object-Oriented Principles
- Swift collections
- arrays / Arrays
- Swift guard statement
- about / The Swift guard Statement
- Swift operators
- about / Swift Operators
- categories / Swift Operators
- assignment operator / Assignment Operator
- arithmetic operators / Standard Arithmetic Operators
- comparison operators / Comparison Operators
- ternary conditional operator / Ternary Conditional Operator
- logical operators / Logical Operators
- bitwise operators / Bitwise Operators
- nil-coalescing operator / Nil-Coalescing Operator
- range operators / Range Operators
- working with / Activity: Operators
- Swift variables
- declaring / Declaring Swift Variables
- versus, Swift constants / Variables Versus Constants
- variable naming / Variable Naming
- working with / Working with Variables, Activity: Variable Summary
- Swifty code
- about / Swifty Code
- naming / Naming
- code organization / Organizing Code
- miscellaneous / Miscellaneous
- writing / Writing Swifty codewriting Swifty Code
- switch statement
- about / The switch Statement
- syntax rules / switch Statement Rules
- break keyword / The break Keyword
- fallthrough keyword / The fallthrough Keyword
- multiple patterns, matching in single case / Multiple Patterns in a Single Case
- where statement, using within case / Using the where Statement within case
- optionals, evaluating with / Evaluating Optionals with a switch Statement
- ternary conditional operator
- about / Ternary Conditional Operator
- try? keyword
- using / Using do without catch
- tuples
- about / Tuples
- creating / Creating a Tuple
- type-safe language
- about / Type Inference
- type cast
- force unwrapping / Force Unwrapping an Optional
- type inference
- about / Type Inference
- UnfoldSequence / Activity: Implementing a Lazy Version of a Method
- variable naming
- about / Variable Naming
- variadic parameters
- about / Variadic Parameters
- while loop
- about / The while Loop
- syntax rules / The while Loop
- using / The while Loop
- repeat…while loop / The repeat…while Loop