3.1 Fedora Installation Options
Fedora can be downloaded free of charge from the following web page:
This page provides a number of download options depending on how the operating system is to be installed and used:
•Fedora Workstation - Downloads the installation media for the workstation edition of the operating system. This edition is intended for use on desktop and laptop systems where a graphical desktop environment is needed and is only available for 64-bit x86 systems. The workstation edition can be downloaded in the form of an ISO image which you can then write to a USB drive using the steps outlined later in this chapter. If you are performing the download on a Windows or macOS system, however, the easiest option is to download the Fedora Media Writer tool. This can be used to download the required Fedora edition and write it to a USB drive. Regardless of the download option chosen, the workstation media will allow you to test out Fedora...