Managing and removing e-mail
It is critical that you are able to efficiently manage and remove e-mail from a user's device in the event that they leave the organization. The following section will cover where and how to manage e-mail within your deployment as well as remove e-mail from a user's device.
Managing e-mail
Once the devices have been enrolled for e-mail, you have the ability to manage and view the enrolled devices via the e-mail dashboard in the admin console. To access the dashboard, navigate to E-mail | Dashboard. Here you can gain a high-level view of your enrolled devices with e-mail access.
You also have the ability to view the user's devices that are being managed with MEM. To access the devices, navigate to E-mail | List View. Within this view, you can switch your search between the device or user. Within the views, you can search for devices to perform the following actions if desired:
Override: Whitelist, Blacklist, or Default
Administration: Dx Mode On, Dx Mode Off, Update...