Mobile E-mail Management overview
Mobile E-mail Management (MEM) is the vertical within EMM that represents all the opportunities available for e-mail deployment. Traditionally, e-mail was most likely deployed on a corporate-owned device that was provided to you by the organization that leveraged some of the first technologies available to deploy e-mail securely. Now that mobility has grown with the expectation that e-mail is to be provided on personal devices, we need MEM to provide e-mail to the user's devices. Most importantly though, we need to ensure that the e-mail is deployed securely and the information is contained within a secure environment.
As we are all aware, e-mail is a huge piece of how we communicate today and most likely one of the most common communication methods in an organization. Users rely extremely heavily on e-mail and the ability to have access to e-mail at anytime from anywhere is a reality a lot of us live in. I'd imagine that most of your deployments are somewhat...