Obtaining the necessary data
Your first choice is to decide which GPS dataset to use. You can capture your own GPS recordings using a GPS device if you wish, or you can make use of the GPS recordings provided with the example code for this chapter. Once you have decided which set of GPS data to use, you will need to download road data for the same area.
Let's start by deciding which set of GPS data you wish to use.
Obtaining GPS data
If you have your own GPS recording device, you might like to go out and capture your own GPS recordings as you travel back and forth in your local area. If you do not have your own GPS recording device, or if you do not want to capture your own GPS data, example GPS recordings are provided along with the sample code for this chapter.
These example recordings were taken in and around the author's home city of Rotorua, New Zealand. The recordings were captured using a Garmin Edge 500 cycle computer, and exported in GPX
format. If you want to capture your own GPS recordings...