After starting Zabbix – the initial steps
Suppose you already have your Zabbix server up and running. In a few weeks, Zabbix has helped you save a lot of time while restoring systems. It has also helped you notice some hidden things in your environment—maybe a flapping port in a network switch, or lack of CPU in a router.
In a few months, Zabbix and you (of course) are like superstars. During lunch, people are talking about you. Some are happy because you've dealt with a recurring error. Maybe, a manager asks you to find a way to monitor a printer because it's very important to their team, another manager asks you to monitor an application, and so on.
The other teams and areas also need some kind of monitoring. They have other things to monitor, not only IT things. But are these people familiar with technical things? Technical words, expressions, flows, and lines of thoughts are not so easy for people with nontechnical backgrounds to understand.
Of course, in small and medium enterprises ...