To use the Ceph object storage, we should create an initial Ceph object gateway user for the S3 interface and then create a subuser for the Swift interface.
Creating the radosgw user
How to do it…
Following steps will help you to create radosgw user:
- Make sure that the rgw-node1 is able to access the Ceph cluster:
# ceph -s -k /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw.rgw-node1/keyring
--name client.rgw.rgw-node1
- Create a RADOS Gateway user for the S3 access:
# radosgw-admin user create --uid=pratima
--display-name="Pratima Umrao"
[email protected]
-k /var/lib/ceph/radosgw/ceph-rgw.rgw-node1/keyring
--name client.rgw.rgw-node1

- The values keys...