Julia 101
Julia can be downloaded from the main website (https://julialang.org) via the Download menu option. It is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD, and the appropriate download bundles are provided for a current stable version, a long-term support (LTS) version, and the next release. At the time of writing, the stable release is 1.8.5, the LTS is 1.6.7, and the new beta release is 1.9.0. I will briefly cover installing and uninstalling later, although the Julia website is the best source of information.
It can be run using the Julia REPL, the VS Code editor, and a couple of web-based IDEs, Jupyter and Pluto, which we will discuss later in this chapter.
The previous edition used Julia v0.4, which was the stable version at the time, so a large amount has changed since then. When we hosted JuliaCon 2018, v1.0 was announced, promising fewer breaking changes, although these are not insignificant, and so far, a number of breaking changes have been introduced on each...