Keeping on the right track with the Daily Scrum
The Daily Scrum is a daily occurring event held at the same time and place every day, usually at the start of the day. The Daily Scrum is solely for the benefit of the Developers. The Scrum Master and Product Owner may attend the event, but only as observers. They are not allowed to disrupt or participate. The Scrum Master may want to be present to ensure the meeting does not exceed its maximum duration (time-box) of 15 minutes and that it is not disrupted by external people.
The objective of the event is for the Developers to inspect the work done since the last Daily Scrum and plan the work for the next 24 hours. The structure of the event and the way it is conducted is entirely up to the Developers. A common structure is that each team member gives a summary of three things:
- What they’ve been working on since the last Daily Scrum
- What they plan to work on in the next 24 hours
- Any potential problems they may...