In the last decade, cloud technology has evolved from just another deployment platform into an engine for digital disruption. As modern technologies, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, edge computing, and quantum computing, continue to build on the foundations laid by cloud agility, scale, and resiliency, the cloud has become an indispensable platform that powers not just IT transformation but also business transformation. Embracing the cloud empowers enterprises to innovate faster, deliver new capabilities more efficiently, and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic global marketplace.
Cloud adoption at an enterprise scale is a journey and can bring with it several challenges, including where to start, identifying the right workloads, and choosing the right cloud strategy. There are several resources that offer an opinionated view of cloud strategies from a target cloud platform perspective. This book aims to take a provider and platform agnostic perspective and will present a prescriptive framework, strategies, and best practices, which will help enterprises build an open, nimble, and modern cloud-ready enterprise.
Based on my extensive experience working with several enterprises across multiple industries on digital transformation initiatives, this book will provide a deeper insight into the various facets of cloud transformation and how enterprises can leverage the cloud as a vehicle to lead and drive innovation.