- About us section
- creating / Creating the ABOUT US section
- creating, as responsive / Making the ABOUT US section responsive
- styling / Styling the about section
- adaptive design
- about / Adaptive design
- examples / Adaptive design
- comparing, with responsive design / So which one is the best?
- drawbacks / So which one is the best?
- pros and cons / The takeaway
- Animate.css
- about / Animate.css
- reference / Animate.css
- Atom
- using / Our main tool
- about / Our main tool
- URL / Our main tool
- attributes / HTML attributes
- block element
- about / Block and inline
- examples / Block and inline
- Blog section
- creating / Blog section
- creating, as responsive / Making the Blog section responsive
- styling / Styling the Blog section
- Bootstrap
- about / What is Bootstrap?
- reference / Components
- components / Components
- Grid system / Bootstrap Grid system
- media queries / Media queries
- installing / Installing Bootstrap
- project, setting up / Setting up our project
- URL / Setting up our project
- navbar, creating / Bootstrap navbar
- navigation, coding / Coding the Bootstrap navigation
- navigation bar, styling / Styling our navigation bar
- Hero section, styling / Styling the hero section
- Bracket
- URL / Our main tool
- Breadcrumb
- about / Breadcrumb
- example / Breadcrumb
- Call to Action (CTA)
- about / Call to Action
- obvious design / Making it obvious
- example / Making it obvious
- contrasting color, using / Using contrasting color
- compelling copy / Compelling copy
- placement / Placement
- Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
- about / CSS – the savior
- using / The different ways to use CSS
- formatting / CSS formatting
- selector / CSS formatting
- curly bracket / CSS formatting
- property / CSS formatting
- value / CSS formatting
- semicolon / CSS formatting
- parent element / Parent and child elements
- child element / Parent and child elements
- classes / Classes and IDs
- IDs / Classes and IDs
- layout / CSS layout and dividers
- dividers / CSS layout and dividers
- pseudo-class / CSS pseudo-classes
- casual scripts / Casual scripts
- child element / Parent and child elements
- classes
- about / Classes and IDs
- versus IDs / Classes and IDs
- client-side rendering
- about / What is client-side rendering?
- pros and cons / Client-side rendering
- CodeKit / CodeKit
- colors
- using / Colors
- meanings / What colors mean
- reference / Styling the about section
- ColorZilla
- about / ColorZilla
- URL / ColorZilla
- consistency
- about / Consistency
- in design / Design
- in content / Content
- in interactions / Interactions
- Content Delivery Network (CDN) / Installing Bootstrap
- contract samples
- reference / Defining the scope
- CSS3 Generator / CSS3 Generator
- CSS animation
- creating / CSS animation
- CSS box model
- about / CSS box model
- properties / The boxes
- block element / Block and inline
- inline element / Block and inline
- CSS flexbox
- using / CSS flexbox
- CSS position values
- about / Positioning in CSS
- static / Position static
- relative / Position relative
- absolute / Position absolute
- fixed / Position fixed
- sticky / Position sticky
- dividers, CSS / CSS layout and dividers
- domain name
- buying / Buying a domain name
- Dreamweaver
- URL / Our main tool
- dynamic Instagram feed
- adding / Adding a dynamic Instagram feed
- Instafeed.js, installing / Installing Instafeed.js
- images, obtaining from user account / Getting images from your user account
- userID, searching / Finding our userID and TokenAccess
- TokenAccess, searching / Finding our userID and TokenAccess
- access token, obtaining / Getting our access token
- displaying / Displaying the feed
- elements, HTML
- about / HTML elements
- titles, inserting / Titles and paragraphs
- paragraphs, adding / Titles and paragraphs
- links, adding / Links and images
- images, adding / Links and images
- Facebook like button
- URL / Adding a Facebook like button
- favicon
- creating / Creating a favicon
- favicon generator
- URL / Creating a favicon
- Figma / Our design
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP) / Buying a domain name
- FileZilla
- URL / Buying a domain name
- Flash
- about / Introduction of Flash
- URL / Introduction of Flash
- reference / Introduction of Flash
- flat design / Flat design
- Fontastic / Fontastic
- fonts
- selecting / Choosing a font that connects your brand
- serif / Serif fonts
- sans-serif / Sans-serif
- casual scripts / Casual scripts
- reference / Don't use too much typeface
- installing, for web page / Installing our font
- footer section
- adding / Adding the footer section
- creating, as responsive / Making the footer section responsive
- styling / Styling the footer
- Foundation / Foundation
- 960 grid system
- reference / Responsive web design
- git / git
- goal identification
- about / Goal identification
- website purpose, identifying / What is the purpose of the website?
- target audience, identifying / Who is the website for?
- customers information, gathering / Is this useful for our audience?
- Information Architecture (IA), defining / What do they expect to find or do there?
- brand identity, creating / Does the website need to follow a brand or have its own brand identity?
- competitors, identifying / Are there any competitors? If there are, how is the website different than others?
- Google Analytics
- about / Google analytics
- using / Google analytics
- Google Font
- URL / Don't use too much typeface, Importing Google Font
- importing / Importing Google Font
- Google Search Console
- about / Google Search Console
- URL / Google Search Console
- using / Google Search Console
- grids
- about / Grids
- cons / The cons
- reference / Styling the Blog section
- Grid system, Bootstrap / Bootstrap Grid system
- header
- implementing / The header
- menu, creating / Creating a menu
- links, inserting / Inserting links
- logo, adding / Adding a logo
- right-hand side menu, creating / Right-hand side menu
- Facebook like button, adding / Adding a Facebook like button
- styling / Styling our header
- Hero section
- adding / Adding the hero section
- CSS flexbox, using / CSS flexbox
- CSS position values / Positioning in CSS
- creating, as responsive / Making the hero section responsive
- styling, with Bootstrap / Styling the hero section
- home page
- design / Our design
- HTML Boilerplate
- installing / Installing HTML Boilerplate
- URL / Installing HTML Boilerplate
- index.html, editing / Editing index.html
- about / HTML Boilerplate
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
- about / What is HTML?
- tags / HTML tags
- attributes / HTML attributes
- structure / HTML structure
- page, creating / Creating our first page
- elements / HTML elements
- icons
- about / Icons
- describing / Describing in a nutshell
- users attention, drawing / Drawing attention of the users
- directional / Directional
- IDs
- about / Classes and IDs
- versus classes / Classes and IDs
- images
- adding / Links and images
- Information Architecture (IA) / What do they expect to find or do there?
- inline element
- about / Block and inline
- examples / Block and inline
- Instafeed.js
- installing / Installing Instafeed.js
- URL / Installing Instafeed.js
- JavaScript plugins
- modernizr / Editing index.html
- Jquery / Editing index.html
- Plugin.js / Editing index.html
- Main.js / Editing index.html
- Google Analytics / Editing index.html
- jQuery
- about / What is jQuery?
- syntax / jQuery syntax
- layout, CSS
- about / CSS layout and dividers
- creating / The basic layout
- HTML, formatting / Formatting and indenting your HTML
- HTML, indenting / Formatting and indenting your HTML
- class, styling / Styling our class
- Leaner Style Sheets (LESS) / CSS preprocessor – LESS
- links
- adding / Links and images
- Lorem Ipsum / Lorem Ipsum
- media queries
- about / Responsive web design, What are media queries? , Media queries
- inspector, opening / Opening the inspector
- desktop design, starting / Desktop first
- menu
- designing / Designing the menu
- Minifier
- URL / Optimizing our code
- mobile browsing / The rise of the mobile
- mobile first / So which one is the best?
- modal box
- about / Modal
- usages / Modal
- examples / Modal
- Modernizr / Modernizr
- Namecheap / Buying a domain name
- navbar
- creating / Bootstrap navbar
- navigation bar
- styling / Styling our navigation bar
- OpenWeather
- URL / OpenWeather API
- page
- creating / Creating our first page
- paragraphs
- adding / Titles and paragraphs
- parent element / Parent and child elements
- Partners section
- adding / Adding the Partner section
- styling / Styling the partner section
- performance optimization, website
- about / Site performance optimization
- images, optimizing / Optimizing images
- code, optimizing / Optimizing our code
- project designing
- framework, using / Designing
- inspiration, obtaining / Get inspiration
- design, improving / Improve
- design, inventing / Invent
- project scope
- defining / Defining the scope
- properties, CSS box model
- content / The boxes
- padding / The boxes
- margin / The boxes
- border / The boxes
- pseudo-class
- about / CSS pseudo-classes
- using / CSS pseudo-classes
- URL / CSS pseudo-classes
- Racing Club project / Our situation
- responsive design
- about / Responsive design
- examples / Responsive design
- comparing, with adaptive design / So which one is the best?
- pros and cons / The takeaway
- responsive web design
- about / Responsive web design
- reference / Responsive web design
- Roboto font
- URL / Importing Google Font
- sans-serif fonts / Sans-serif
- search bar
- about / The search bar
- submit button / The submit button
- customizing / Making it noticeable
- placing, correctly / Placing the search bar correctly
- search engine optimization (SEO)
- about / Introduction of Flash, What is search engine optimization?
- improvement / Basic SEO improvement
- meta description / Meta description
- valid HTML / Valid HTML
- keywords / Keywords
- links / Links
- serif fonts / Serif fonts
- server-side rendering
- about / What is server-side rendering?
- pros and cons / Pros and cons of server and client-side rendering
- Sketch app
- about / Our design
- URL / Our design
- sticky navigation
- building / Sticky navigation
- Waypoints, using / JS Plugin: Waypoints
- CSS animation, creating / CSS animation
- Sublime Text 3
- URL / Our main tool
- syntactically awesome style sheets (SASS) / CSS preprocessor – SCSS
- table-based layouts / Table-based layouts
- tags / HTML tags
- text editor
- Atom / Our main tool
- The Grid system
- URL / Grids
- TinyPNG / TinyPNG
- titles
- inserting / Titles and paragraphs
- typography
- about / Typography
- font, selecting / Choosing a font that connects your brand
- multiple typefaces, avoiding / Don't use too much typeface
- Unminify
- URL / Optimizing our code
- Unsplash
- about / Unsplash
- URL / Unsplash
- usability
- about / Usability
- simplicity / Simplicity
- navigability / Navigability
- accessibility / Accessibility
- availability / Accessibility
- User Interface (UI) / Design
- UXPin
- URL / So which one is the best?
- VueJS
- about / Introducing to VueJS
- setting up / Setting up VueJS
- URL / Setting up VueJS
- weather application, creating / Creating a weather application in VueJS
- Vue Material
- using / Vue Material
- URL / Vue Material
- W3 markup validator
- URL / Valid HTML
- about / Valid HTML
- Waypoints
- using / JS Plugin: Waypoints
- URL / JS Plugin: Waypoints
- weather application
- creating, in VueJS / Creating a weather application in VueJS
- Vue Material, using / Vue Material
- components / Components
- OpenWeather API, accessing / OpenWeather API
- API call, managing / The API call
- Web 2.0 / Web 2.0
- web design
- evolution / What's next?
- Racing Club project / Our situation
- webflow / webflow
- web page
- creating / Creating our web page
- images folder, using / Images folder
- font, installing / Installing our font
- Google Font, importing / Importing Google Font
- normalize.css, adding / Adding normalize.css
- website
- history / The first ever website
- implementing / Implementing, testing, and launching
- testing / Implementing, testing, and launching
- launching / Implementing, testing, and launching, Launching our website
- performance optimization / Site performance optimization
- domain name, buying / Buying a domain name
- wireframes
- creating / Creating wireframes
- World Wide Web (WWW) / The first ever website
- WWW Consortium (W3C)
- about / The first ever website
- URL / The first ever website