Chapter 7. Adaptive Difficulty
In Chapter 2, Roguelike Games, we imported an Enemy prefab and an Enemy script but we haven't used either of them yet. So far, our character has been wandering around an empty world collecting food and items. But that is all about to change because in this chapter, we are going to add brain hungry zombies that scale in difficulty and test the player's strength.

Player among enemies!
Adaptive difficulty can be solely a PCG solution or it can, in part, rely on an artificial intelligence (AI) solution. Our main goal with PCG is to expand the playtime and game content. Normally, when we think of PCG, we think of content such as art assets being programmatically created or new game objects being added to the game at runtime. We can also think of PCG as a means to expand the game's complexity internally as well.
We will be adding enemies to both the world board and Dungeon Board. At first, the enemies won't be very dangerous as they are...