This widget will be called to display a picture at its full size. We also add some buttons to go to the previous/next picture or delete the current one.
Let's start to analyze the PictureWidget.ui form, here is the design view:

Here are the details:
- backButton: Requests to display the gallery
- deleteButton: Removes the picture from the album
- nameLabel: Displays the picture name
- nextButton: Selects the next picture in the album
- previousButton: Selects the previous picture in the album
- pictureLabel: Displays the picture
We can now take a look at the PictureWidget.h header:
#include <QWidget> #include <QItemSelection> namespace Ui { class PictureWidget; } class PictureModel; class QItemSelectionModel; class ThumbnailProxyModel; class PictureWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit PictureWidget...