Introducing SQLAlchemy
SQLAlchemy is an extremely powerful library for working with relational databases in Python. Instead of writing SQL queries by hand, we can use normal Python objects to represent database tables and execute queries. There are a number of benefits to this approach, as follows:
Your application can be developed entirely in Python.
Subtle differences between database engines are abstracted away. This allows you to do things just like a lightweight database, for instance, use SQLite for local development and testing, then switch to the databases designed for high loads (such as PostgreSQL) in production.
Database errors are less common because there are now two layers between your application and the database server: the Python interpreter itself (this will catch the obvious syntax errors), and SQLAlchemy, which has well-defined APIs and its own layer of error-checking.
Your database code may become more efficient, thanks to SQLAlchemy's unit-of-work model that helps reduce...