Chapter 8. Exporting, Publishing, and Importing Dashboards
We have almost completed the development phase of our eFashion dashboard project. In this chapter, you will learn how to share our dashboards with other users, and how to save our dashboard xlf
file in the SAP BusinessObjects repository so other developers can access it. There are two ways to share our dashboard with business users. The first is to export our dashboard to a Flash, PowerPoint, PDF, and so on. These files can be e-mailed, or sent to the business user. This method is only applicable for prototypes and you will not be able to retrieve data from your database because your dashboard is not yet published in the BusinessObjects repository. This is why we need the second method, which is publishing to enable the end user to use and dynamically refresh dashboard data.
In this chapter, you will learn:
- Exporting dashboard file
- Publishing dashboard
- Importing dashboards