MicroStrategy Projects
MicroStrategy Projects are Configuration Objects, which group all other objects within (Public and Schema).The following is a quick reference table for this MicroStrategy Object:

The Projects are usually created according to a business area (such as marketing, finance, and human resources) or, in some organizations, by the technology that supports its data source (such as Teradata, Oracle, SQL Server). In any case, a MicroStrategy Project helps developers and users to organize their reporting and analytics applications. There are other Configuration Objects, but these will be covered in Chapter 6, Security – Managing Your Usersand Their Access and Chapter 7, Administration – Maintaining and Monitoring Your Project.
Project structure
When a MicroStrategy Project is created, a general folder structure common to every project is generated:
- My Personal Objects: This set of folders is meant to save objects that are not shared among other users. Meaning, whatever is saved within...