Exploring the Unity AR samples
Unity provides an up-to-date set of sample AR Scenes in a project you can download from the https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples website. In this recipe, we’ll download the project, build an AR phone app, and try some of the samples from Unity.

Figure 17.1: Running the face mesh scene, which maps a flag image over your face!
How to do it...
To download and explore the Unity AR samples, do the following:
- Go to https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples and download the files as a ZIP file.

Figure 17.2: Downloading the AR samples from GitHub
- Unzip the project files and open them in Unity.
- Open the Build Settings dialog window and switch Build Target to Android (or iOS if appropriate).
- You’ll see that all the scenes have already been added to the build for this project, with the AR Foundation Menu scene listed first.
- Connect your computer...