Understand different aspects of how Maven works in a comprehensive set of hands-on videos
Appreciate how to use Apache Maven by understanding how it works under the hood
Gain valuable practical experience in how to use Apache Maven
In this course, we look at the Maven build tool, which is currently the number-one industry standard for creating Java applications. By concentrating on practical hands-on demonstrations, you'll see first hand how Maven works and from there develop the confidence to be able to use it independently to build your Java projects at home, in college, or in the workplace.
This is a beginners' course, although it has some useful content for those already familiar with Maven. But to get the maximum value from the course, you should really be a beginner with the tool. Maybe you've started a new job where they use it to build their applications, or you're learning industry-standard tools to get ahead of the competition.
Ultimately, by unlocking the mechanics of how Maven works, you should be able to better build Java projects with the tool and have fun doing so!
Please note: You'll need to be familiar with creating simple applications using Java and have an awareness of basic concepts like compilation of Java code, running of a Java class etc., as well as being familiar with using the commandline to run simple commands.
All the codes and supporting files for this course will be available at- https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Apache-Maven-A-Practical-Introduction
This course is designed for newcomers to the Maven build tool who are experienced Java developers and have built applications in an IDE or with another build tool like Ant or Gradle and are looking to transition to Maven. You'll need to be familiar with creating simple applications using Java and have an awareness of basic concepts like compilation of Java code, running of a Java class etc., as well as being familiar with using the commandline to run simple commands.
Understand how Maven works under the hood
Create and build your own Java projects with Maven
Understand where to find dependencies (libraries) for use in your projects, and how to include them (by unlocking them and tapping into the huge Java ecosystem of open source libraries and components)
Understand how Maven describes projects with the Project Object Model
Appreciate how Maven resolves dependencies
Get familiar with the build life cycle and its phases
Understand simple build customization to execute plugins
Know how to use Maven in Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA - the two most popular Java IDEs