Quantum computers have opened the door to scientific experiments that could never have been carried out with classical computers. Within a few years, quantum computers will have become mainstream, unavoidable, and a key asset for businesses and research labs. The race has begun to conquer the market.
CRLMM applied to quantum computers could make MindX one of the most powerful thinking minds on earth—human or machine.
With an unlimited mind-dataset and a 2q quantum computer starting at 250, a 50-qubit machine, MindX could gain the thinking power and experience of a human who has lived for 1,000 years. MindX's thinking power and an exponential amount of real-time memory of past experiences, loaded through transformation functions, could help solve many medical, logistic, and other decision-making problems.
Quantum thinking has just begun to change the perception of the world. Conceptual AI models such as CRLMM will no doubt be the starting point...