Bitcoin uses SHA-256, but there are various algorithms that can be used in PoW consensus types, and some of these algorithms are listed as follows and illustrated in the next screenshot:
- base Quark: Dimecoin, AnimeCoin
- CryptoNight: AeonCoin, Monero
- Dagger-Hashimoto: Ethereum, Krypton
- Equihash: Zcash, Komodo
- Groestl: AidBit, GroestlCoin
- Keccak: 365Coin, Wecoin
- Lyra2RE: Lyrobar, MondaCoin
- SHA-512: MemoryCoin, ProtoShares
- NeoScrypt: Feathercoin, Ufocoin
- NXT: CoinoIndex, SuperNet
- Scrypt: Litecoin, Dogecoin
- Scrypt-jane: QQcoin, ThorCoin
- Scrypt-N: Caishen, Elacoin, GenesisCoin
- Skein-SHA2: SkeinCoin, XedoCoin
- X11: Dash, Chipcoin, Karmacoin
- X13: Cloakcoin, Zipcoin, PioneerCoin
- X15: CrystalCoin, Halcyon, HTML5coin
- Yescrypt: BitZeny, GlobalBoostY

Each of these algorithms has had specific modifications over other algorithms.