The book begins with an introduction to the new features of C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0, and how they help improve the performance of your application. The book will then help you understand the core internals of .NET Core, which includes the compilation process, garbage collection, utilizing multiple cores of the CPU to develop highly-performant applications, and measuring performance using a powerful library for benchmarking applications named BenchmarkDotNet. We will learn about developing applications and programs using multithreading and asynchronous programming, and how to use those concepts to build efficient applications for faster execution. Next, you'll understand the importance of data structure optimization and how it can be used efficiently. We move on to the patterns and best practices to use when designing applications in .NET Core, along with how to utilize memory in an effective way and avoid memory leakage. After that, we'll talk about implementing security and resiliency in .NET Core applications, and we'll use the Polly framework to implement a circuit breaker, and retry and fallback patterns, along with certain middleware to harden the HTTP pipeline. We'll also implement security such as authorization and authentication using the Identity framework. Moving ahead, we will learn about the microservices architecture and see how we can use it to create applications that are modular, highly scalable, and independently deployable. We end with App Metrics, and will learn how to use it to monitor the performance of your application.