Alright, we completed AlbumListWidget, AlbumWidget, and PictureWidget. If you remember correctly, AlbumListWidget and AlbumWidget are contained in a widget called GalleryWidget.
Let's take a look at the GalleryWidget.ui file:

This widget does not contain any standard Qt widgets, only our created widgets. Qt provides two ways to use your own widgets in the Qt designer:
- Promoting widgets: This is the fastest and easiest way
- Creating widget plugin for Qt designer: This is more powerful but more complex
In this chapter, we will use the first way, which consists of placing a generic QWidget as a placeholder and then promoting it to our custom widget class. You can follow these steps to add the albumListWidget and albumWidget objects to the GalleryWidget.ui file from the Qt designer:
- Drag and drop a Widget from Containers to your form
- Set the objectName...