Adding on to the Quick Start – Switching out the Dataset with a Housing Data Case Study
This chapter builds on the work you did in Chapter 2. In that chapter, you built a model that classified irises by species based on sepal and petal measurements. In this chapter, you will build a regression model to predict the value of a house based on multiple parameters. You will use another famous dataset, the California housing dataset, which is from US census data in California in 1990. The intent of this example is to allow you to understand which parts of the code are dataset-specific when using XGBoost and which are the same each time. By the end of this chapter, you will have had practice using XGBoost for both classification (iris data) and regression (housing data) problems. You can then reuse the code you’ve written for other projects.
In this chapter, you’re going to cover the following main topics:
- Switching the quick start code to a different dataset...