Developing dashboards
Once these metrics have been identified and collected and the triggers have been created to evaluate the status of each business service, we need a presentation layer that is appropriate for the target audience.
From Zabbix version 1.8 onwards, we can make use of the Zabbix API to support us in this direction. We know that Zabbix has a powerful data collection engine that can access any data on any device. We also know that the Zabbix GUI has a large focus on the operational view of the environment. It works great for the technical user, but our challenge now is to take Zabbix to other areas of the company where the users are not technicians. It is very likely that at this point, the Zabbix GUI doesn't meet the requirements of these users.
Before setting out for a kind of development using the Zabbix API, we need to explore most of the Zabbix GUI. With graphics, maps, screens, and slide shows of Zabbix, we can create many interesting dashboards. Explore these resources...