The Internet of Things wave
Probably, you have already heard about the Internet of Things (IoT). Just in case you haven't, let me try to explain a little about it.
In 2013, the Gartner Group said that IOTs installed base will grow to 26 billion units by 2020. They also say this:
"By 2020, component costs will have come down to the point that connectivity will become a standard feature, even for processors costing less than 1 USD. This opens up the possibility of connecting just about anything, from the very simple to the very complex, to offer remote control, monitoring and sensing," said Mr. Middleton. "The fact is, that today, many categories of connected things in 2020 don't yet exist. As product designers dream up ways to exploit the inherent connectivity that will be offered in intelligent products, we expect the variety of devices offered to explode."
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) said in 2005:
It looks at the next step in "always...