Linux distributions and Zabbix
What happens with Zabbix also happens with almost all applications that users need and put into production—lack of planning.
Zabbix is a platform that basically consists of three components: the Zabbix server, the Zabbix database, and the Zabbix GUI. Well, each of these components has a distinct behavior and specific hardware requirements.
The database, for example, requires more IO than the Zabbix server or the Zabbix GUI. At this point, we begin to think that the kernel parameters need to be adjusted, with the aim of increasing the IO performance.
Each Linux distribution has its default features and settings. In practice, any modern Linux distribution can be used with Zabbix without any restrictions or special care, but most of them will require adjustments.
Well, we know that Zabbix can be an environmental bottleneck if our settings are not as per the hardware. The database also has a default setting that will ensure its operation with any hardware. Imagine...