- ACK scan
- about / ACK scan
- Admin1
- about / Adding complexity or emulating target environments, Admin1
- advanced features, Domain Information Groper (Dig)
- about / Advanced features of Dig
- output, shortening / Shortening the output
- bind version, listing / Listing the bind version
- reverse DNS lookup / Reverse DNS lookup using Dig
- multiple commands / Multiple commands
- path, tracing / Tracing the path
- batching / Batching with dig
- IDS rules, avoiding / IDS rules, how to avoid them
- decoys, using / Using decoys
- advanced packaging tools (APT)
- about / Updating the applications and operating system
- advanced penetration testing
- about / Introduction to advanced penetration testing, Advanced penetration testing
- advanced techniques, Nmap
- about / Other Nmap techniques
- stealthy / Remaining stealthy
- zombie host / Shifting blame — the zombies did it!
- about / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- URL / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- after filter / Filters
- allintext filter / Google filters
- allinurl filter / Google filters
- URL / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- about / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- App1
- about / Adding complexity or emulating target environments, App1
- AppEvent.Evt file / Important directories and files
- Apple Filing Protocol
- about / Nmap — getting to know you
- apt-get dist-upgrade command / Updating the applications and operating system
- apt-get install command / "C"ing is believing—Create a vulnerable program
- arch command / Important commands
- URL / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- about / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- Armitage
- used, for post exploitation / Using Armitage for post-exploitation
- data, gathering / Enumeration
- enumeration / Enumeration
- used, for exploitation / Exploitation
- about / Were connected, now what?
- Armitage, and Meterpreter
- combining / Were connected, now what?
- ARP poison
- about / Client-side attacks with Fast-Track
- arsenal
- custom Nmap scripts, adding / Adding custom Nmap scripts to your arsenal
- about / Turning ASLR on and off in BackTrack
- turning on / Turning ASLR on and off in BackTrack
- turning off / Turning ASLR on and off in BackTrack
- assets
- finding / Finding specific assets
- author filter / Google filters
- automation script
- creating / Creating an automation script
- auxiliary modules
- using, in MetaSploit / Using auxiliary modules
- Backtrack
- exploring / Exploring BackTrack
- login information, for default install / Logging in
- default password, modifying / Changing the default password
- BackTrack
- installing, as virtual machine / Installing your BackTrack virtual machine
- URL, for downloading / Installing your BackTrack virtual machine
- virtual machine, preparing for / Preparing the virtual guest machine for BackTrack
- installing, on virtual disk image / Installing BackTrack on the virtual disk image
- operating system, updating / Updating the applications and operating system
- applications, updating / Updating the applications and operating system
- about / Creating an automation script, Default output, Batching with dig, DNS brute forcing with fierce, Metagoofil, Package repositories, Lab preparation
- manual if config / BackTrack – Manual ifconfig
- fuzzing tools / Fuzzing tools included in BackTrck, Bruteforce Exploit Detector (BED)
- Kioptrix system, exploiting from / Enumeration
- BackTrack 5
- TFTP server, installing on / Installing and starting a TFTP server on BackTrack 5
- PostgreSQL, installing on / Installing PostgreSQL on BackTrack 5
- about / Quick reality check – Load Balance Detector
- BackTrack guest machine
- about / BackTrack guest machine
- BackTrack Linux
- about / Practice makes perfect
- banner grabbing
- with Netcat / Banner grabbing with Netcat
- with Ncat / Banner grabbing with Ncat
- with smbclient / Banner grabbing with smbclient
- banners
- about / Understanding banners
- bash tool
- about / Which tools are available on the remote system
- basic scans, Nmap / Basic scans — warming up
- batching
- with Domain Information Groper (Dig) / Batching with dig
- about / Bruteforce Exploit Detector (BED)
- before filter / Filters
- benefits, exploitation / Exploitation – Why bother?
- benefits, VIM / VIM — The power user's text editor of choice
- bind version
- listing / Listing the bind version
- Blackbox testing
- about / Before testing begins
- boot.ini file / Important directories and files
- bourne shell
- about / Creating an automation script
- bovrflow program / Understanding the basics of buffer overflows
- branch nodes
- about / Adding nodes
- bruteforcing
- about / Brute forcing passwords
- with THC Hydra / THC Hydra
- buffer overflows
- about / Buffer overflows—A refresher
- basics / Understanding the basics of buffer overflows
- Burp
- about / Introduction to MagicTree
- cache filter / Google filters
- canonicalization
- about / Canonicalization
- cat command / Important commands
- checklist
- about / Using a checklist
- city filter / Filters
- client-side attacks
- with Fast-Track / Client-side attacks with Fast-Track
- combining
- Armitage, with Meterpreter / Were connected, now what?
- commands, Linux
- ls -oaF / Important commands
- locate / Important commands
- updatedb / Important commands
- grep / Important commands
- less / Important commands
- cat / Important commands
- df -H / Important commands
- date / Important commands
- free / Important commands
- arch / Important commands
- echo / Important commands
- last / Important commands
- logname / Important commands
- pwd / Important commands
- uname -a / Important commands
- netstat / Important commands
- ifconfig or /sbin/ifconfig / Important commands
- udevd -version / Important commands
- find / -type f -perm 777 / Important commands
- command syntax, Nmap / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- command syntax, onesixtyone / When the SNMP community string is NOT "public"
- common network management tools
- using / Using common network management tools to do the deed
- Comodo Secure DNS®
- about / Changing nameservers
- compromised hosts
- cleaning up / Cleaning up compromised hosts
- compromised hosts, cleaning up
- about / Cleaning up compromised hosts
- checklist / Using a checklist
- local log files / Local log files
- configuring
- Vlab_1 clients / Configuring and testing our Vlab_1 clients
- pure-ftpd / Installing and configuring pure-ftpd
- Mutillidae 2.1.7 / Installing and configuring Mutillidae 2.1.7 on the Ubuntu virtual machine
- pfSense / Installing and configuring pfSense
- pfSense DHCP server / Configuring the pfSense DHCP server
- virtual lab / Adding complexity or emulating target environments
- firewall1 / Configuring firewall1
- Firewall2 / Firewall2 setup and configuration
- connectivity
- verifying, for virtual machine / Verifying connectivity
- country filter / Filters
- cover page, executive report / The report
- cross-references
- about / Adding nodes
- curl tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- custom Nmap scripts
- adding, to arsenal / Adding custom Nmap scripts to your arsenal
- custom word list
- creating / Creating a custom wordlist
- data
- exporting, into HTML / Exporting data into HTML
- reviewing / Reviewing the data
- database
- script, adding to / Adding a new script to the database
- database connectivity
- verifying, in MetaSploit / Verifying database connectivity
- databases
- and Metasploit / Databases and Metasploit
- data collection, MagicTree / Data collection
- data gathering
- about / Data gathering, network analysis, and pillaging
- data nodes
- about / Adding nodes
- date command / Important commands
- DB1
- about / Adding complexity or emulating target environments, DB1
- decoys
- using / Using decoys
- default.sav file / Important directories and files
- default command usage, DNS brute forcing / Default command usage
- default HTML template
- modifying / Changing the default HTML template
- default output, Domain Information Groper (Dig) / Default output
- default output, nslookup / Default output
- default password
- modifying / Changing the default password
- detailed reporting, executive report / The report
- DevMachine
- about / NewAlts Research Labs' virtual network
- df -H command / Important commands
- dhclient command / Starting the virtual lab
- DHCP server
- about / Setup
- diff function
- about / VIM — The power user's text editor of choice
- directories, Linux / Important directories and files
- directories, Windows / Important directories and files
- DNS brute forcing
- with fierce / DNS brute forcing with fierce
- default command usage / Default command usage
- custom word list, creating / Creating a custom wordlist
- DNS reconnaissance
- about / DNS recon
- nslookup / Nslookup — it's there when you need it
- Domain Information Groper (Dig) / Domain Information Groper (Dig)
- domain information
- gathering / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- validating / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- Domain Information Groper (Dig)
- about / Domain Information Groper (Dig)
- URL, for interface / Domain Information Groper (Dig)
- default output / Default output
- used, for zone transfer / Zone transfers using Dig
- advanced features / Advanced features of Dig, Listing the bind version, Tracing the path
- reverse DNS lookup / Reverse DNS lookup using Dig
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- about / DNS recon
- downloading
- vulnserver application / Introducing vulnserver
- Dradis
- about / Creating an automation script
- Dradis Category field
- about / Dradis Category field
- default HTML template, modifying / Changing the default HTML template
- Dradis Framework
- about / Introduction to the Dradis Framework
- overview / Introduction to the Dradis Framework
- project template, exporting / Exporting a project template
- project template, importing / Importing a project template
- sample data, preparing for import / Preparing sample data for import
- data, exporting into HTML / Exporting data into HTML
- binding, to available interface / Binding to an available interface other than
- Dradis framework
- for collaboration / Dradis framework for collaboration
- echo command / Important commands
- engagement documentation
- rules / Rules of engagement documentation
- enumeration avoidance techniques
- about / Enumeration avoidance techniques
- naming conventions / Naming conventions
- port knocking / Port knocking
- intrusion detection and avoidance systems / Intrusion detection and avoidance systems
- trigger points / Trigger points
- SNMP lockdown / SNMP lockdown
- example page, executive report / The report
- executive report
- about / The report
- cover page / The report
- index / The report
- Executive Summary / The report
- primary sections / The report
- findings section / The report
- network diagram / The report
- example page / The report
- detailed reporting / The report
- Executive Summary
- about / The report
- Exif data
- about / Metadata collection
- exiftool
- about / Extracting metadata from photos using exiftool
- used, for extracting metadata from photos / Extracting metadata from photos using exiftool
- EXIT command / Bruteforce Exploit Detector (BED)
- exploit
- running / Running the exploit
- Exploit-DB
- about / Google hacking database, Searching Exploit-DB
- searching / Searching Exploit-DB, Cracking the hash
- exploitation
- about / Exploitation – Why bother?
- benefits / Exploitation – Why bother?
- Armitage, using / Exploitation
- ExploitDB
- about / Exploit-DB at hand
- code, compiling / Compiling the code
- proof of concept code, compiling / Compiling the proof of concept code
- code, troubleshooting / Troubleshooting the code
- Fast-Track
- about / Fast-Track
- using / Fast-Track
- updating / Updating Fast-Track
- client-side attacks / Client-side attacks with Fast-Track
- file integrity monitoring
- about / File integrity monitoring
- files
- getting, from victim machines / Getting files to and from victim machines
- moving / Moving the files
- files, Linux / Important directories and files
- files, Windows / Important directories and files
- filetype filter / Google filters
- filters
- about / Filters
- net / Filters
- city / Filters
- country / Filters
- port / Filters
- before / Filters
- after / Filters
- os / Filters
- find / -type f -perm 777 command / Important commands
- findings section, executive report / The report
- Firewalker
- about / Finding the ports
- Firewall1
- about / Adding complexity or emulating target environments
- rules, setting for LAN / Configuring firewall1
- firewall1
- configuring / Configuring firewall1
- Firewall2
- about / Adding complexity or emulating target environments
- configuring / Firewall2 setup and configuration
- setting up / Firewall2 setup and configuration
- firewall configuration
- about / Firewall configuration
- Firewall Rules option
- about / Setup
- firewalls
- about / Stealth scanning through the firewall, Network segmentation and firewalls
- stealth scanning / Stealth scanning through the firewall
- traceroute, performing / Traceroute to find out if there is a firewall
- blocked ports, determining / Finding out if the firewall is blocking certain ports
- Flash
- about / Extracting metadata from photos using exiftool
- Foca
- about / Metadata collection
- footprinting
- about / Introduction to reconnaissance, SHODAN
- FreeBSD
- about / Installing VirtualBox, Installing and configuring pfSense, Configuring firewall1
- free command / Important commands
- FTP banners
- about / SHODAN
- ftp tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- Full Clone radial button
- about / Creating a Kioptrix VM Level 3 clone
- full scan
- performing, with Nmap / Full scan with Nmap
- fuzzer
- about / Introduction to fuzzing
- fuzzing
- about / Introduction to fuzzing
- overview / Introduction to fuzzing
- fuzzing tools, BackTrack
- about / Fuzzing tools included in BackTrck
- BED / Bruteforce Exploit Detector (BED)
- SFUZZ / SFUZZ: Simple fuzzer
- Gallarific
- about / Using WebScarab as a HTTP proxy
- GCC compiler
- about / Which tools are available on the remote system
- gcc tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- GNU Debugger
- about / "C"ing is believing—Create a vulnerable program
- URL, for info / "C"ing is believing—Create a vulnerable program
- GNU General Public License (GPL)
- about / Planning for action
- Google
- filters / Google filters
- about / Searching the Internet for clues
- Google filters
- about / Google filters
- allinurl / Google filters
- allintext / Google filters
- intitle / Google filters
- cache / Google filters
- phonebook / Google filters
- author / Google filters
- filetype / Google filters
- site / Google filters
- link / Google filters
- Google Hacking Database (GHDB)
- about / Google hacking database
- grep command / Important commands
- Hackbar
- about / Introduction to Mantra
- HAProxy
- installing, for load balancing / Installing HAProxy for load balancing
- history files
- about / History files and logs
- host file
-, adding to / Adding to the host file
- hosts file / Important directories and files
- Hping
- about / Finding the ports, Hping
- Hping2
- about / Hping
- Hping3
- about / Hping
- data, exporting into / Exporting data into HTML
- http banner
- about / Banner grabbing with Ncat
- HTTP banners
- about / HTTP banners
- HTTP proxy
- WebScarab, using as / Using WebScarab as a HTTP proxy
- HTTP status code
- about / HTTP banners
- 200 / HTTP banners
- 301 / HTTP banners
- 302 / HTTP banners
- 307 / HTTP banners
- 400 / HTTP banners
- 401 / HTTP banners
- 403 / HTTP banners
- 404 / HTTP banners
- 502 / HTTP banners
- 501 / HTTP banners
- 505 / HTTP banners
- HTTP[Date] method / So, what are we looking for anyhow?
- URL / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- about / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- URL / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- about / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- about / VIM — The power user's text editor of choice
- ICMP packets
- about / Setup
- identification number (IPID)
- about / Shifting blame — the zombies did it!
- idle scan
- concepts / Shifting blame — the zombies did it!
- avoiding / Now you see me, now you don't — Avoiding IDS
- about / The scenario
- IDS rules
- avoiding / IDS rules, how to avoid them
- ifconfig / Finding network information
- ifconfig or /sbin/ifconfig command / Important commands
- image nodes
- about / Adding nodes
- Imperva Scuba
- about / Introduction to MagicTree
- index, executive report / The report
- index.dat file / Important directories and files
- information
- gathering, with whois / Gathering information with whois
- about / Reviewing the data
- putting to use / Putting this information to use
- searching / Searching for information
- installed packages
- verifying / Checking installed packages
- installed software
- finding / Finding installed software and tools
- installed tools
- finding / Finding installed software and tools
- installing
- VirtualBox / Installing VirtualBox
- BackTrack, as virtual machine / Installing your BackTrack virtual machine
- BackTrack, on virtual disk image / Installing BackTrack on the virtual disk image
- OpenOffice / Installing OpenOffice
- TFTP server, on BackTrack 5 / Installing and starting a TFTP server on BackTrack 5
- pure-ftpd / Installing and configuring pure-ftpd
- Kioptrix Level 3 / Installing Kioptrix Level 3
- Mutillidae 2.1.7, on Ubuntu virtual machine / Installing and configuring Mutillidae 2.1.7 on the Ubuntu virtual machine
- pfSense / Installing and configuring pfSense
- HAProxy, for load balancing / Installing HAProxy for load balancing
- M0n0Wall, on VirtualBox Machine / Setup
- WordPress, in Ubuntu Server / Web1
- Internet
- searching, for clues / Searching the Internet for clues
- Internet Archive
- about / Searching the Internet for clues
- InterNic
- URL / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- about / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- intitle filter / Google filters
- intrusion detection and avoidance systems
- about / Intrusion detection and avoidance systems
- Intrusion Detection System
- about / Intrusion detection and avoidance systems
- IO APIC setting
- about / Installing Kioptrix Level 3
- IP/CIDR notation
- about / Filters
- IP information
- validating / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- gathering / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- IP settings
- maintaining, after reboot / Maintaining IP settings after reboot
- iptables tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- IronGeek
- URL / Practice makes perfect, Installing and configuring Mutillidae 2.1.7 on the Ubuntu virtual machine
- about / Installing and configuring Mutillidae 2.1.7 on the Ubuntu virtual machine
- Kioptrix
- virtual machine, adding / Target practice – Adding a Kioptrix virtual machine
- exploiting, with Metasploit / Using Metasploit to exploit Kioptrix
- about / Taking on Level 3 – Kioptrix
- about / Adding to the host file, Taking on Level 3 – Kioptrix
- adding, to host file / Adding to the host file
- Kioptrix Level 1
- about / Practice makes perfect, NewAlts Research Labs' virtual network
- Kioptrix Level 3
- installing / Installing Kioptrix Level 3
- URL, for installing / Installing Kioptrix Level 3
- about / Taking on Level 3 – Kioptrix
- Kioptrix system
- exploiting, from BackTrack / Enumeration
- Kioptrix virtual machine
- adding / Target practice – Adding a Kioptrix virtual machine
- Kioptrix VM Level 1
- about / Target practice – Adding a Kioptrix virtual machine
- Kioptrix VM Level 3
- about / Practice makes perfect
- Kioptrix VM Level 3 clone
- creating / Creating a Kioptrix VM Level 3 clone
- Kioptrix VM Level 3 Clone
- about / Practice makes perfect
- *.log file / Important directories and files
- lab
- virtual machine, adding to / Adding another virtual machine to our lab
- lab preparation
- about / Lab preparation
- BackTrack guest machine / BackTrack guest machine
- Ubuntu guest machine / Ubuntu guest machine
- pfSense guest machine configuration / pfSense guest machine configuration
- firewall configuration / Firewall configuration
- about / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- URL / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- about / Setup
- Firewall1 rules, setting for / Configuring firewall1
- LAN IP configuration
- about / LAN IP configuration
- last command / Important commands, Users and credentials
- lastlog command / Users and credentials
- ldd command / Turning ASLR on and off in BackTrack
- less command / Important commands
- link filter / Google filters
- Linux
- about / Installing VirtualBox, Turning ASLR on and off in BackTrack, Linux
- files / Important directories and files
- directories / Important directories and files
- commands / Important commands
- live decoys
- about / Using decoys
- Load Balance Detector
- about / Quick reality check – Load Balance Detector, Taking on Level 3 – Kioptrix
- load balancers
- detecting / Detecting load balancers, So, what are we looking for anyhow?
- load balancing
- HAProxy, installing for / Installing HAProxy for load balancing
- local log files
- about / Local log files
- locate command / Important commands
- logname command / Important commands
- logs
- about / History files and logs
- ls -oaF command / Important commands
- about / Searching the Internet for clues
- M0n0Wall
- URL, for downloading / Setup
- installing, on VirtualBox Machine / Setup
- interfaces, configuring / Setup
- M0n0Wall firewall installation
- setting up / Setup
- M0n0wall virtual instance
- setting up / Firewall2 setup and configuration
- macros
- about / Old school — The text editor method
- MagicTree
- about / Introduction to MagicTree, Creating an automation script, SHODAN, Enumeration and exploitation
- starting / Starting MagicTree
- launching / Starting MagicTree
- nodes, adding / Adding nodes
- data collection / Data collection
- report, generating / Report generation
- Mantra
- about / Introduction to Mantra
- overview / Introduction to Mantra
- manual exploitation
- about / Manual exploitation
- services, enumerating / Enumerating services
- full scan, with Nmap / Full scan with Nmap
- manual if config, BackTrack / BackTrack – Manual ifconfig
- manual if config, Ubuntu / Ubuntu – Manual ifconfig
- Mass Client Attack Web Server
- about / Client-side attacks with Fast-Track
- metadata
- extracting, from photos with exiftool / Extracting metadata from photos using exiftool
- metadata collection
- about / Metadata collection
- MetaGoofil
- about / Metagoofil
- Metagoofil Blackhat Arsenal Edition
- about / Metagoofil
- Metasploit
- and databases / Databases and Metasploit
- database connectivity, verifying / Verifying database connectivity
- Nmap scan, performing within / Performing an Nmap scan from within Metasploit
- auxiliary modules, using / Using auxiliary modules
- used, for exploiting Kioptrix / Using Metasploit to exploit Kioptrix
- about / Fast-Track
- Metasploit framework
- updating / Updating the Metasploit framework
- Meterpreter
- about / Were connected, now what?, Networking details
- Microsoft Windows™
- post exploitation / Microsoft Windows™ post-exploitation
- miscellaneous evasion techniques
- about / Miscellaneous evasion techniques
- divide and conquer / Divide and conquer
- hiding out / Hiding out (on controlled units)
- file integrity monitoring / File integrity monitoring
- common network management tools / Using common network management tools to do the deed
- Mutillidae
- about / Installing and configuring Mutillidae 2.1.7 on the Ubuntu virtual machine
- Mutillidae 2.1.7
- about / Practice makes perfect
- installing, on Ubuntu virtual machine / Installing and configuring Mutillidae 2.1.7 on the Ubuntu virtual machine
- configuring / Installing and configuring Mutillidae 2.1.7 on the Ubuntu virtual machine
- setting up, for PBNJ / Setting up MySQL for PBNJ
- starting / Starting MySQL
- name servers
- modifying / Changing nameservers
- Nano
- about / Nano
- launching / Nano
- URL, for info / Nano
- nano editor
- about / Creating an automation script
- nanorc
- about / Nano
- NAT non-routable addresses
- about / Network segmentation and firewalls
- Ncat
- about / Nmap — getting to know you, Banner grabbing with Netcat and Ncat
- used, for banner grabbing / Banner grabbing with Ncat
- Ncrack
- about / Nmap — getting to know you
- nc tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- Ndiff
- about / Nmap — getting to know you
- Nessus
- about / Introduction to MagicTree
- Netcat
- about / Banner grabbing with Netcat and Ncat
- used, for banner grabbing / Banner grabbing with Netcat
- net filter / Filters
- NetSetup.log file / Important directories and files
- netstat command / Important commands
- network analysis
- about / Data gathering, network analysis, and pillaging
- network baselines
- creating, with scanPBNJ / Creating network baselines with scanPBNJ
- network connections
- determining / Determine connections
- network diagram, executive report / The report
- network information
- finding / Finding network information
- networking information
- gathering / Networking details
- network segmentation
- about / Network segmentation and firewalls
- network sniffing
- about / Looking at traffic patterns
- NewAlts Development Lab
- scope, defining for test / Defining the scope
- goals, for test / Determining the "why"
- rules of engagement document, creating / Developing the Rules of Engagement document
- network layout, reviewing / Initial plan of attack
- exploitation / Enumeration and exploitation
- enumeration / Enumeration and exploitation
- documentation, for test / Reporting
- issues, in penetration test / Reporting
- NewAlts Research Labs
- about / The scenario
- virtual network, setting up / NewAlts Research Labs' virtual network
- Nexpose vulnerability scanner toolkit
- about / Metasploit — learn it and love it
- Nikto
- about / Introduction to MagicTree
- Nmap
- about / Introduction to MagicTree, Nmap — getting to know you, Timing is everything
- using / Nmap — getting to know you
- command syntax / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- scan options / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- scan types / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- output types / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- basic scans / Basic scans — warming up
- advanced techniques / Other Nmap techniques
- different scan types, using / Trying different scan types, SYN scan, ACK scan
- script, verifying / How to decide if a script is right for you
- new script, adding to database / Adding a new script to the database
- full scan, performing / Full scan with Nmap
- Nmap data
- importing / Importing your Nmap data
- Nmap firewalk script
- about / Nmap firewalk script
- nmap options
- -T(0-5) templates / Taking your time
- --max-hostgroup / Taking your time
- --max-retries / Taking your time
- -max-parallelism / Taking your time
- --scan-delay / Taking your time
- Nmap scan
- performing, within Metasploit / Performing an Nmap scan from within Metasploit
- Nmap Scripting Engine
- about / Nmap — getting to know you
- URL, for tutorial / Adding custom Nmap scripts to your arsenal
- Nmap suite
- ZenMap / Nmap — getting to know you
- Ncat / Nmap — getting to know you
- Ncrack / Nmap — getting to know you
- Ndiff / Nmap — getting to know you
- Nping / Nmap — getting to know you
- nmap tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- no-nonsense test example / No-nonsense test example
- nodes
- adding / Adding nodes
- node types
- about / Adding nodes
- branch nodes / Adding nodes
- simple nodes / Adding nodes
- text nodes / Adding nodes
- data nodes / Adding nodes
- XML data nodes / Adding nodes
- image nodes / Adding nodes
- cross-references / Adding nodes
- overview nodes / Adding nodes
- special nodes / Adding nodes
- NoteCase
- about / NoteCase
- using / NoteCase
- Nping
- about / Nmap — getting to know you
- about / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- URL / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- nslookup
- about / Nslookup — it's there when you need it
- default output / Default output
- name servers, modifying / Changing nameservers
- automation script, creating / Creating an automation script
- ntuser.dat file / Important directories and files
- Null scan
- about / Null scan
- onesixtyone
- about / When the SNMP community string is NOT "public"
- command syntax / When the SNMP community string is NOT "public"
- OpenOffice
- installing / Installing OpenOffice
- about / Report generation
- Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
- about / Introduction to reconnaissance
- OpenVas
- about / Introduction to MagicTree
- OPT1
- about / Setup
- os filter / Filters
- URL / Using WebScarab as a HTTP proxy
- outbound connections
- about / Determine connections
- output types, Nmap
- -oA / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -oG / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -oX / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -oN / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- overview nodes
- about / Adding nodes
- OWASP team
- about / Using WebScarab as a HTTP proxy
- package repositories
- about / Package repositories
- packages
- installing, in pfSense / Installing additional packages in pfSense
- pagefile.sys file / Important directories and files
- passive reconnaissance
- need for / Introduction to reconnaissance
- about / Introduction to reconnaissance
- passwords
- about / Passwords: Something you know…
- cracking / Cracking the hash
- bruteforcing / Brute forcing passwords
- about / Creating network baselines with scanPBNJ
- MySQL, setting up for / Setting up MySQL for PBNJ
- PBNJ database
- preparing / Preparing the PBNJ database
- PCnet-PCI II adapter / Setup
- PeekYou
- about / Searching the Internet for clues
- penetration tester
- about / Introduction to reconnaissance
- penetration testing
- about / Introduction to advanced penetration testing, Penetration testing, Introduction to reconnaissance, Practice makes perfect
- Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES)
- about / Before testing begins
- people
- finding, on web / Finding people (and their documents) on the web
- pfSense
- about / Installing and configuring pfSense, Lab preparation
- configuring / Installing and configuring pfSense
- installing / Installing and configuring pfSense
- virtual machine, preparing for / Preparing the virtual machine for pfSense
- URL, for download mirrors / Preparing the virtual machine for pfSense
- network, setting up / pfSense network setup
- web console settings, configuring / Configuring firewall1
- packages, installing in / Installing additional packages in pfSense
- pfsense1
- about / NewAlts Research Labs' virtual network
- pfsense2
- about / NewAlts Research Labs' virtual network
- pfSense DHCP server
- configuring / Configuring the pfSense DHCP server
- about / pfSense DHCP – Permanent reservations
- pfSense guest machine configuration
- about / pfSense guest machine configuration
- pfSense network setup / pfSense network setup
- WAN IP configuration / WAN IP configuration
- LAN IP configuration / LAN IP configuration
- pfSense installation
- about / SNMPEnum
- pfSense network setup
- about / pfSense network setup
- pfSense virtual machine
- installing / Configuring firewall1
- downloading / Configuring firewall1
- pfSense virtual machine persistence
- about / pfSense virtual machine persistence
- PFSense VM
- about / Practice makes perfect
- phonebook filter / Google filters
- pivoting
- about / Pivoting
- Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM)
- about / Important directories and files
- port filter / Filters
- port knocking
- about / Port knocking
- post exploitation
- rules of engagement / Rules of engagement
- Armitage, using / Using Armitage for post-exploitation
- post exploitation, Microsoft Windows™ / Microsoft Windows™ post-exploitation
- PostgreSQL
- installing, on BackTrack 5 / Installing PostgreSQL on BackTrack 5
- practice environment
- setting up / The setup, NewAlts Research Labs' virtual network
- pre-testing procedure
- about / Before testing begins
- scope, determining / Determining scope
- limits, setting / Setting limits — nothing lasts forever
- primary sections, executive report / The report
- programs
- running, at startup / Programs and services that run at startup
- project template
- exporting / Exporting a project template
- importing / Importing a project template
- PTES / Introduction to reconnaissance
- pure-ftpd
- configuring / Installing and configuring pure-ftpd
- installing / Installing and configuring pure-ftpd
- starting / Starting pure-ftpd
- pwd command / Important commands
- Qualys
- about / Introduction to MagicTree
- quick scan
- performing, with unicornscan / Quick scan with Unicornscan
- Rails application
- about / Introduction to the Dradis Framework
- reconnaissance
- about / Introduction to reconnaissance
- types / Introduction to reconnaissance
- reconnaissance workflow
- about / Reconnaissance workflow
- Red Hat
- about / Checking installed packages
- registrar
- specifying, for usage / Specifying which registrar to use
- remote system
- tools / Which tools are available on the remote system
- report generation
- about / Report generation
- Report option
- about / Report generation
- reverse DNS lookup
- with Domain Information Groper (Dig) / Reverse DNS lookup using Dig
- about / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- URL / Gathering and validating domain and IP information
- about / Checking installed packages
- rules of engagement, post exploitation
- about / Rules of engagement
- permissions / What is permitted?
- goals, assessing / What is permitted?
- modifications / Can you modify anything and everything?
- persistence / Are you allowed to add persistence?
- data storage / How is the data that is collected and stored handled by you and your team?
- data collection / How is the data that is collected and stored handled by you and your team?
- personal information / Employee data and personal information
- employee data / Employee data and personal information
- --script-help option / How to decide if a script is right for you
- SAMBA / The report
- samba exploit
- used, for gaining access to system / Exploitation
- SAM file / Important directories and files
- sample data
- preparing, for import / Preparing sample data for import
- scanf function / "C"ing is believing—Create a vulnerable program
- scan options, Nmap
- -g / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- --spoof_mac / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -S / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -e / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -F / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -p / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -R / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -N / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -n / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -h / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -6 / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -A / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -T(0-5) / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- --scan_delay / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sV / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- scanPBNJ
- used, for creating network baselines / Creating network baselines with scanPBNJ
- scan types, Nmap
- -sA / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sP / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sR / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sS / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sT / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sU / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sX / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sL / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sO / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sM / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sI / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- -sW / Commonly seen Nmap scan types and options
- SYN / SYN scan
- Null / Null scan
- ACK / ACK scan
- script
- adding, to database / Adding a new script to the database
- scripts
- about / Old school — The text editor method
- search engines
- about / Using search engines to do your job for you
- used, for finding information / Using search engines to do your job for you
- SecApps Google Hacking Database Explorer
- about / Searching the Internet for clues
- SecEvent.Evt file / Important directories and files
- security.sav file / Important directories and files
- segmentation fault
- about / Understanding the basics of buffer overflows
- services
- enumerating / Enumerating services
- running, at startup / Programs and services that run at startup
- about / Fast-Track, Social Engineering Toolkit
- URL, for documentation / Social Engineering Toolkit
- overview / Social Engineering Toolkit
- sftp tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- about / SFUZZ: Simple fuzzer
- shell scripting
- about / Creating an automation script
- about / SHODAN
- simple nodes
- about / Adding nodes
- site
- detecting, for balancing / So, what are we looking for anyhow?
- Site Digger 3.0
- about / Searching the Internet for clues
- site filter / Google filters
- smbclient
- used, for banner grabbing / Banner grabbing with smbclient
- about / SNMP: A goldmine of information just waiting to be discovered
- SNMPEnum / SNMPEnum
- SNMPCheck / SNMPCheck
- SNMPCheck
- about / SNMPCheck
- SNMP community string
- about / When the SNMP community string is NOT "public"
- SNMPEnum
- about / SNMPEnum
- SNMP lockdown
- about / SNMP lockdown
- software.sav file / Important directories and files
- special nodes
- about / Adding nodes
- SQL injection
- about / Using a checklist
- about / The scenario
- SSH banners / SHODAN
- about / Understanding banners
- SSH session
- about / Blending in
- ssh tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- SSH traffic
- about / Blending in
- stealth scanning
- through firewall / Stealth scanning through the firewall
- strcpy() function / Introduction to fuzzing
- SYN scan
- about / SYN scan
- system
- accessing, samba exploit used / Exploitation
- system.sav file / Important directories and files
- system data
- gathering / Were connected, now what?
- system file / Important directories and files
- system information
- files / Configurations, settings, and other files
- settings / Configurations, settings, and other files
- configurations / Configurations, settings, and other files
- target environments
- emulating / Adding complexity or emulating target environments
- TCP Sequence Prediction rating
- about / Shifting blame — the zombies did it!
- TCP Sequence Prediction ratings
- about / Shifting blame — the zombies did it!
- Telnet banners / SHODAN, Understanding banners
- telnet tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- test results
- managing / Effectively manage your test results
- text editor method
- about / Old school — The text editor method
- text nodes
- about / Adding nodes
- TFTP server
- starting / Installing and starting a TFTP server on BackTrack 5
- installing, on BackTrack 5 / Installing and starting a TFTP server on BackTrack 5
- tftp tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- THC Hydra
- about / THC Hydra
- bruteforcing with / THC Hydra
- The Harvester
- about / Searching the Internet for clues
- TinEye
- about / Searching the Internet for clues
- traffic
- logged, by firewall / Blending in
- traffic patterns
- about / Looking at traffic patterns
- tree command
- about / Blending in
- Ubuntu
- about / Adding another virtual machine to our lab, Lab preparation
- manual if config / Ubuntu – Manual ifconfig
- Ubuntu guest machine
- about / Ubuntu guest machine
- Ubuntu Server
- WordPress, installing in / Web1
- Ubuntu virtual machine
- about / Practice makes perfect
- Mutillidae 2.1.7, installing on / Installing and configuring Mutillidae 2.1.7 on the Ubuntu virtual machine
- Ubuntu_TestMachine_1
- about / Practice makes perfect, Installing and configuring Mutillidae 2.1.7 on the Ubuntu virtual machine
- udevd -version command / Important commands
- ufw (Uncomplicated Firewall)
- about / Maintaining IP settings after reboot
- URL, for info / Maintaining IP settings after reboot
- uname -a command / Important commands
- unicornscan
- quick scan, performing with / Quick scan with Unicornscan
- about / Quick scan with Unicornscan
- updatedb command / Important commands
- updating
- Fast-Track / Updating Fast-Track
- user credentials
- gaining / Users and credentials
- VboxManage tool
- URL / Target practice – Adding a Kioptrix virtual machine
- VDI (Virtual Disk Image) / Preparing the virtual machine for pfSense
- victim machines
- files, getting from / Getting files to and from victim machines
- vim
- about / Old school — The text editor method
- about / VIM — The power user's text editor of choice
- benefits / VIM — The power user's text editor of choice
- vimtutor / VIM — The power user's text editor of choice
- VirtualBox
- installing / Installing VirtualBox
- URL / Installing VirtualBox
- virtual machine, preparing / Adding another virtual machine to our lab
- URL, for manual / Starting the virtual lab
- settings, for guest machine setup / Setup
- network adapters / Setup
- VirtualBox Machine
- M0n0Wall, installing on / Setup
- virtual disk image
- BackTrack, installing on / Installing BackTrack on the virtual disk image
- virtual guest machine
- preparing, for BackTrack / Preparing the virtual guest machine for BackTrack
- virtual guest machines
- cloning / Creating a Kioptrix VM Level 3 clone
- virtual lab
- requisites, for configuration / Practice makes perfect
- starting / Starting the virtual lab
- configuring / Adding complexity or emulating target environments
- challenges, in setting up / The challenge
- virtual machine
- BackTrack, installing as / Installing your BackTrack virtual machine
- adding, to lab / Adding another virtual machine to our lab
- preparing, in VirtualBox / Adding another virtual machine to our lab
- connectivity, verifying / Verifying connectivity
- preparing, for pfSense / Preparing the virtual machine for pfSense
- virtual network
- setting up / NewAlts Research Labs' virtual network
- Virtual Test Lab Environments
- setting up / No-nonsense test example
- Vlab_1 clients
- testing / Configuring and testing our Vlab_1 clients
- configuring / Configuring and testing our Vlab_1 clients
- about / What is permitted?
- vulnerability assessments
- about / Vulnerability assessments
- vulnerable program
- creating / "C"ing is believing—Create a vulnerable program
- vulnserver
- about / Introducing vulnserver
- vulnserver application
- downloading / Introducing vulnserver
- w3af
- about / Web Application Attack and Audit Framework (w3af)
- w3af console
- used, for scanning / Scanning by using the w3af console
- w3af GUI
- used, for saving time / Using w3af GUI to save time
- about / Detecting Web Application Firewalls (WAF), The scenario
- detecting / Detecting Web Application Firewalls (WAF)
- about / Detecting Web Application Firewalls (WAF)
- about / Setup
- WAN IP configuration
- about / WAN IP configuration
- web
- people, finding on / Finding people (and their documents) on the web
- Web1
- about / Adding complexity or emulating target environments, Web1
- web console settings, pfSense
- configuring / Configuring firewall1
- WebScarab
- about / Using WebScarab as a HTTP proxy
- using, as HTTP proxy / Using WebScarab as a HTTP proxy
- WebServer
- about / NewAlts Research Labs' virtual network
- web server
- setting up / Why bother with setting up labs?
- web server modifications
- about / Web server modifications
- wget tool / Which tools are available on the remote system
- Whitebox test
- about / Determine connections
- Whitebox testing
- about / Before testing begins
- White Pages
- about / Searching the Internet for clues
- whois
- used, for gathering information / Gathering information with whois
- about / Gathering information with whois, Specifying which registrar to use
- usage / Gathering information with whois
- used, for finding originating country of IP address / Where in the world is this IP?
- win.ini file / Important directories and files
- Windows machine
- directories / Important directories and files
- files / Important directories and files
- Wireshark
- about / Shifting blame — the zombies did it!, Using decoys, Bruteforce Exploit Detector (BED)
- WordPress
- installing, in Ubuntu Server / Web1
- about / The scenario
- XML data nodes
- about / Adding nodes
- ZenMap
- about / Nmap — getting to know you
- zombie host
- about / Shifting blame — the zombies did it!
- zone transfers
- with Domain Information Groper (Dig) / Zone transfers using Dig