Setting up the frame for laser engraving
To set up the right frame for laser engraving, we first need to prepare all the requisite materials, and follow the required steps to assemble this frame.
Preparing materials
Since you will need many different and special materials, except the basic Banana Pro, I will explain them to you and give you a short description of each component. All the original design files of the laser engraver packages can be found on GitHub at
This GitHub repo includes the laser CPU hardware and frame mechanism designs. Other components, such as laser emitters, power adapters, and motors, can be found at online shops such as
- The laser Central Processing Unit (CPU): This is used to drive the motors and provide power to other components such as the Banana Pro. It is AVR micro controller-based and can load code with the help of the Arduino IDE. The schematic and PCB design files can be found on GitHub, mentioned...