Chapter 4. vSphere Networking Concepts and Management
A data center product/solution cannot be considered functional if it does not have the ability to network. Such is the case with the vSphere suite of products. In this chapter, we will learn a lot about the networking concepts associated with a VMware infrastructure and also learn how to configure them to meet our design needs.
This chapter will cover the following topics:
- The need for a software virtual switch
- The difference between a physical and virtual switch
- A virtual machine's network interface
- The VMkernel's network interface
- The standard virtual switch
- The distributed virtual switch
- Enabling VLANs on a virtual switch
- Configuring private VLANs on a virtual switch
- Switch security policies
- Switch load balancing policies
- Switch failover policies
- Linking status monitoring
- Port mirroring
- Enabling the use of Netflow monitoring