Changing generated HTML and CSS from the Views UI
Once again, Jim went into teaching mode using a copy of the development site on his computer to demonstrate what he was describing.
Structure of a View's output
Taking out a pad of paper, Jim drew a box and labeled it View. Then, he drew two smaller boxes inside and labeled them Row. Finally, inside each of the smaller boxes, he drew even smaller boxes and labeled them Field. The resulting picture looked similar to the following:

The Views structure diagram
"If you think of the results of a view as being the view in its entirety, which might include headers or footers, then you have a number of rows, and each of these rows has a number of fields. Each of these levels can have CSS classes attached to them to make generating customized theming easier. Alternatively, a lot of our developers just use the many divs and their associated classes, even though they might not be as semantic sounding as "front-page-row" or "featured-title". However, let...