Installing minikube
If you are using Docker Desktop, you may not need minikube at all since the former already provides out-of-the-box support for Kubernetes. If you cannot use Docker Desktop or, for some reason, you only have access to an older version of the tool that does not yet support Kubernetes, then it is a good idea to install minikube. minikube provisions a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your workstation and is accessible through kubectl, which is the command-line tool used to work with Kubernetes.
Installing minikube on Linux, macOS, and Windows
To install minikube on Linux, macOS, or Windows, navigate to the following link:
Follow the instructions carefully. Specifically, do the following:
- Make sure you have a hypervisor installed, as described here:

Figure 2.9 – Prerequisites for minikube
- Under 1 Installation, select the combination that is valid...