The Mediator pattern
The Mediator pattern is another GoF design pattern that controls how objects interact with one another (making it a behavioral pattern). It helps break tight coupling between components of a system by mediating the communication between them.
The mediator’s role is to manage the communication between objects (colleagues). Those colleagues should not communicate together directly but use the mediator instead.
A mediator is a middleman who relays messages between colleagues.
Let’s start with some UML diagrams. From a very high level, the Mediator pattern is composed of a mediator and colleagues:

Figure 16.3: Class diagram representing the Mediator pattern
When an object in the system wants to send a message to one or more colleagues, it uses the mediator. Here is an example of how it works:

Figure 16.4: Sequence diagram of a mediator relaying messages to colleagues
That is also valid for colleagues...