Chapter 14: Extending Domo with Domo Apps
Imagine that we want to develop a new enterprise software application. We could start from scratch, or we could look for a framework to leverage. The open source community (via reusable code libraries) has both decreased the time needed to develop applications and increased the functional richness of many applications. Nevertheless, even with code libraries, it is still a tough job building a bespoke application. There are many layers of architecture, including data tiers, business logic tiers, security, user management, mobile apps, and scalable infrastructure. What if we were to discover a platform where much of what a developer needs for building an enterprise-grade application already existed and all that remained was to connect the data to the application functionality via HTML, CSS, and client scripting? That would be fantastic! We will learn what the Domo Dev Studio Framework delivers, and how to leverage it to extend the Domo platform...