PCG algorithm overview
Now that we settled on our data structure for managing our Game Board grid, we need to design our algorithm for placing tiles. This algorithm will use two types of PCG. We will only create tiles that the player discovers, which is a form of player-triggered PCG. We will also use random numbers to dictate the look of the tile and to choose which floor tiles will have a wall tile placed on top.
To start our algorithm design, let's imagine and try to visualize a use case. We want our player to start in a small area that has already been revealed and added to our data structure. When the game starts, let's create a 5 x 5 grid of tiles for an initial Game Board. We can then place our player character in the center of the grid initially.

The initial Game Board grid with the player
As the player explores, our algorithm will reveal more tiles in the direction the player is headed. We will refer to this as the player's line of sight. We can use any arbitrary number...