Chapter 9. Tying It All Together - From Concept to Design
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere."
- Albert Einstein
This chapter addresses the following questions:
- How do abstract ideas transformed to actual products that generate the envisioned experiences?
- What are the underlying design philosophies and principles that drive designers' approaches?
- What are the methods that help keep design processes consistent throughout product development?
To simplify our discussion here, the term concept refers to a phase in the design process which focuses on forming a design approach for the product. Also, let's assume that the idea for the product and its purpose, precede this phase. Finally, the term "design" will be used to encamps all the activities that transform an initial experience concept into detailed design specification.
In general, developing the design concept for product design is approached first at a high level and with an "everything possible" attitude. The...