Working with dedicated web workers
Dedicated workers are the workers dedicated to a single main script. That means the worker cannot interact with any other script, apart from the main script on the page or any other domain.
Let us try to understand dedicated workers by setting one up.
Setting up a dedicated worker
Calling a new Worker()
with a filename in the constructor argument is all you need to do to spawn a dedicated worker:
// script.js loaded on index.html const awesomeWorker = new Worker('myworker.js');
Using the new Worker
constructor, we created a Worker
instance. This will make the browser download the myworker.js
file and start a new OS thread for it.
This is what we can place in the myworker.js
// myworker.js console.log('Hello world!');
This logs Hello world
inside the console.
A worker can create a sub-worker itself, and everything below will apply to that, as well.
Working with dedicated workers
Dedicated workers can communicate with their spawning script, listening to...