Existing solutions / literature survey
We are a millennial generation. We love to use technology and if we are from a technical background then why not? So, the search engine results for Video Streaming Using Beaglebone Black
consist of the following types.
Requiring specialized capturing hardware
There are solutions that require specialized video-capturing hardware to get an encoded stream. These solutions are very good, in the sense that we don't have to perform encoding on BeagleBone. Instead, we can just use the same encoded video. All we need to do is to add N/W-related information to the data and put it on the N/W. However, this cannot be categorized as a general approach due to hardware binding. Users need to have a specialized camera, which I don't like.
Requiring specialized software application
Some of the solutions have created their own applications for most of the tasks, especially to capture video data from a camera. For specialized tasks, these solutions are certainly good options...