Selecting the Right Tools for Efficient Documentation Creation
As technically minded people, there’s one thing we love to experiment with more than anything: new tools, techniques, and services. So far, I have avoided touching too much on tooling as it can easily become a rabbit hole to fall far into and get distracted by. But before I can move on to other, more advanced tooling topics, it’s time to cover the basics.
Let’s talk tooling.
This chapter ties together the topics covered so far to highlight and cover what tools help create, facilitate, and manage what you’ve learned. As you might expect, there are a lot of options, and I don’t have enough space to cover them all in detail. Instead, I cover the general principles of each tool’s responsibility, highlight some of the most popular or innovative options, and then suggest other options you can investigate.
The chapter covers tools for the following:
- Writing
- Collaborating...